I don’t know what’s with Game Boy platformers having random shoot ‘em up sections but I’m all for it, nothing like seeing my favorite plumber commit aerial manslaughter against some octopuses and a literal cloud!

It’s pretty interesting how despite the Mario series being pretty off the wall setting wise when you really think about it, Super Mario Land sticks out by being even weirder somehow, and I mean that as the biggest compliment it can be. A result that could only come from the combination of the lack of the series prominent director and the Game Boy’s own particularities, this game kinda fascinates simply because of the fact it exists at it is, and that no game would really rival it in that regard ever since… maybe Mario Land 2 and Odyssey but I digress.

Sarasaland has the madness of the Mario world and mixes it with UFOs and aliens, the aforementioned shoot ‘em up sections in the sky and underwater, Koopas that explode and Zombies that cannot be killed, and worlds that, instead of being based around a theme like forest or ice, are just the Easter Island or Chinese bamboo forests. The insanity of the new concepts that it brings and the spin it puts into older ones and how fast the adventure goes by makes this what’s probably the most surreal game in the series; a game that makes of the incositencies its greatest strength, and makes for some memorable moments, and I’m pretty fond of it for that reason alone honestly…

BUT aside from that, this isn’t that great, sadly…

It has some other amazing elements, like the music which is kinda fire, the Underground/Temple theme is probably one of my favorite songs in the series and the Overworld and Muda Kingdom ones aren’t that far behind, but aside from that and the whole creativeness of these four worlds… this is kind of whatever. It has some cool ideas like the upper final door in each level that leads to the bonus game and the fireball changing into the superball —which is a pretty funny name change in all seruiousness—, but both have things like that irk me, like how the former only plays into action on repeated playthrough and some can be a pain in the ass to reach, and the latter being a pretty obvious downgrade when you really consider it; I understand the change was probably made for performance reasons, but being able to shoot only one ball this imprecise in levels this maze-like… isn’t great or satisfying, to put it nicely.

And when it comes to the levels themselves…. They sure are levels! As I said, I like some moments and sections, but in general terms, this is pretty middling at best; some parts of levels repeat not in other levels of the same world, but within the same level, and while creating multiple possible paths to traverse is a great way to compensate to being unable to create genuinely interesting obstacles in paper, they never do anything cool with it aside of finding the fastest way to beat it.

The movement isn’t the best and can be frustrating at times, the bosses sure do exist… aside of the excellent ideas and originality at display, this isn’t anything more than a serviceable, kinda clunky portable Mario game… which hey, not bad for its first go!

It’s fine, it’s decent, I can see why some people love it, I can see why some others dislike it; it’s a pretty impressive feat and a showing of how different creative visions and hardware can loead to extremely interesting results, and has a ton of historic value, but aside from that, I had a decent time with it and that’s about it.

This being the first appearance of Daisy and Tatanga is pretty rad tho, sad that the little guy didn’t show up in more games than he did, he was pretty cool me thinks…

Reviewed on May 15, 2024


17 days ago

Those octopuses and cloud are accessories to a kidnapping a member of the royal family, they had it coming

17 days ago

The music in this game is really up there for me. The Muda Kingdom and credit roll songs are some of my favorites ever.
@Gare The cloud specially, those eyes spell evil....

@conman I neglected to mention it but yeah, the credits theme is outstanding, and I might like this OST moreso than Land 2's now that I think about it, it's just sooooooooooooooooooooo good

17 days ago

more 2D platformers should just randomly throw you into Gradius methinks (the children yearn for Kirby Planet Robobot)
@Fizza PREACH, I usually don't enjoy when a game changes gameplay out of nowhere for a major section like a boss fight, but when it's from a platformer to a shoot 'em up is the best thing ever

17 days ago

Also it occurs to me that the first few Ultima games are medieval dungeon-crawler/top down RPGs that around halfway through just straight up put you in a spaceship and do space shooter shit. They’re old and clunky enough that I wouldn’t really recommend them, but
I like your reviews. The way you describe your feelings on a game flows so effortlessly, like you’re having a conversation with the reader! :D
@EldestBrisingr Thank you so much for the kind words! Really happy that come across like that and you like reading them, I do love writting these so again, thank you so much :DDD
You are welcome! Wish there was a way to “like” comments on this site lol.