Fuck man I just love these characters and this world so much.

Thanks to the godsend that is Modern Controls, this was the first Street Fighter game I was actually able to grasp and play. I know I love a fighting game when I get matched against someone who is clearly infinitely better than I am, and I can keep getting rinsed over and over just to see if I can take a round off of them. All the while not even getting tilted from it.

Great visuals, music and sound design. It’s kind of like one of those interactive theme park rides but way prettier and more fun.

For every sweaty game that comes out, like Dark Souls or Call of Duty, we need chill games like Lil Gator Game and A Short Hike.


I didn't expect the music to go as hard as it did.

You're telling me there are people out there who willingly spent $30 on this shit? For why?

It has one of my least favorite level advancement mechanics in games, which is challenge completion-based progression.

It's fun, but there's nothing really to write home about. I definitely wouldn't think it was worth the money had I actually paid for it, but since it's on Game Pass, I had a good enough time. It really doesn't feel like there's anything to work towards beside a bigger, stronger character, and that's just not something that interests me.

I'm marking this as finished now that I got the platinum trophy.

Helldivers 2 is a good ass fucking game with a couple of hiccups that are being constantly worked on. I'm excited to see what kind of content and galactic map updates the team has in store.

Really fun looter shooter meets Souls-like with some fucking sick boss fights.

I only played it co-op so I can't speak on the solo experience but man this game is a blast.

I can quit whenever I want.

After 11 hours, I have finally won.

One of the worst parts of getting older is coming to terms with the fact that something you loved as a kid has always been kind of mid.

The new items, guns, and map changes are fun, but man, there are really only like two good skins in the battle pass.

I've been debating spending the money on Diablo 3 for a long time, but now that Diablo 4 is on Game Pass and I got a chance to try the series out, I can confidently say that it would've been a waste of my money.

It wasn't for me.