I have a lot of thoughts on this game and a lot of them are harsh. Most of the time I'm very critical over things I like especially when they aren't on the same level as where they could be if they weren't so hellbent on holding themselves back and only pushing out mediocre products. They had the base, they had the idea, they just didn't have the execution.

why does this game look so damn GOOD.
It's art direction and level design is unrivaled even by today's standards. THIS is the best boost game. ironically enough it’s the first, so you’d THINK it’s children would perfect the gameplay style. if it weren’t for the god awful stupid fucking werehog stages it would be fantastic. seems to be a running theme with the boost titles. terrible gimmicks that are halfway thought through that no one likes, and the game would’ve been better without.

It truly does feel like a real celebration of Sonic's history. It's not just a bland retelling of game's past, or a copy paste of what made them great. It translates it all so well into this new era while perfecting the formula the last two games laid out for it.

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This game is so underrated and never discussed enough. I think it's great and really fun to play. it really is perfect for a handheld console because there's so much content, well.. in terms of the same levels being repurposed for double the amount of worlds. regardless, this game deserves more than what it's given.

Easily my least favorite 3D Mario title, but not because it's bad, far from it. My expectations for these games are EXPONENTIALLY high so this fall short on that front, and I understand that's my own fault. It's a solid game and Mario's movement is very fun. Although it feels too slippery to really be a step up from 64's movement system, it works in the context of this game. It's unique and bold. I can't name any other Mario title that plays with one setting so well. It takes what would be an ordinary beach area in any other game and makes diverse environments out of it. The characters it introduces are among some of the most narratively important, like Bowser Jr. and even Toadsworth. Even down to the smaller island inhabitants like Piantas and Nokis. They've had so much more exposure than anyone introduced Odyssey. (which really sucks by the way I think about that a lot)

This is an incredibly good port. Despite most ports for the switch coming out half baked and fucking dog shit this runs great and visually looks comparable to every other release. it's very impressive. As for the game it's Nier of course it's good



for a free game I can’t complain too drastically and I definitely have some good thing(s) to say but. idk

The visuals are really good. There were quite a few times I was impressed with them. However,
the writing and dialogue is incredibly lame. They had the platform to really say something about suicide and teen depression caused by the online landscape and overall peer toxicity. but it comes across as nothing that hasn’t already been said before.
to label this as a silent hill game really does hurt the franchise’s appearance especially for new players who try it specifically because it’s free

I love how it characterizes the decepticons more than the movies themselves. they aren’t just blank slates made to die in this. low bar I know but it’s something at least. I liked the customization concept. gameplay lacks a little but it was still fun as a kid