Log Status






Time Played

5h 45m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 22, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I actually think this was pretty good. This is a top-down, twinstick shooter roguelike heavily inspired by Risk of Rain to the point where some elements could be argued as more ripping off, but is incredibly fun. The thing is, this is moreso a tech demo rather than a fully-fledged game, so it is hard to give it a proper rating. The core loop of the game is fun, with finding items and getting a choice that you have to choose on the fly. Enemies are really good and feel balanced, and the two playable characters are both unique to each other. I think the 'story' mode, which is basically a tower defense, pales in comparison to the infinite mode, but that one might be hard for players since it is never-ending, and my two runs were an hour and a half and two hours respectively, which is a long time. I hope the main game improves the tower defense mode and they add in a way to 'stop' the infinite mode, maybe after every boss kill you can leave early, but if you stay you get better rewards. Or something. Either way, if you like rogue-likes I would check this out. It is free, so there is no reason not to.