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August 22, 2023

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A massive downgrade in almost everyway outside of graphics compared to the original. The story was bad, the gameplay was bad, it was buggy and glitchy, and it was the worst sin of all: boring.

The gameplay of this game is like the first two, where you have an open world city that you need to free from the D.U.P, an overarching government organization that has somehow taken over the entirety of Seattle for two escaped condu- Oh wait, we need to give them a dumb name: Bio-terrorists. You play as a new character, Delsin, who has to go to Seattle to gain the main bad guy's powers so you can heal your tribe from their wounds. You start out with a new type of powers other than Cole's, and that is smoke powers. I like the idea of new powers, but this one is just discount electricity. You have way less sources of powers to refresh, and I found myself disengaging from battles to search for a new smoke thing to suck. You get some later on, like Neon and... Video, but they aren't really creative because they all have to fit the cookie-cutter formula. You also get another power later, but it is from the end boss and by the time you get there, you've probably one hundred percented the game already like I did so it is pointless. The enemies are a massive downgrade with annoying powers, no personality, and no unique creatures to fight like in inFamous 2. You just fight boring, generic human enemies or concrete powered ones that are annoying or easy to defeat. Or both. You don't really have 'side missions' like in the first two games, but you do have the same boring, tedious missions you have to repeat OVER. AND OVER. AND OVER. There are no unique side missions like in the second game, it is 'find the secret agent' or 'tag the wall' and that is how you hundred percent the game. It is generic, boring, and designs to pad out the game's short length. The main missions aren't much better and also have a formulaic feel to them. You investigate a possible new power, you find the person and they get away, you plan on a way to find them. You find them and fight them and get their power. You go upgrade your power by walking around. Then you do a mission for them and rinse and repeat. Three times. All the characters are annoying and bad, with a lot of the 'karma' moments being cut out to be big decisions that are completely contrived and don't feel nearly as natural as the first game. The difference btween good karma powers and evil isn't nearly as big. In the first two games you were locked out completely of powers. Now you just have to upgrade differen't ones. The game is buggy too. Lots of shots would phase through enemies, I would get stuck in a lot of parkour sections that I shouldn't have and never did in the other games, and the lock on for melee was terrible. Enemy right in front of me? Go ahead Delsin, do a 180 to the guy fifty feet away and miss. Need to melee a car to get smoke? Sorry, he'll phase his chain right through it. It got SO frustrating because I didn't even have issues with this in the first game, which came out like six years before. This was the biggest downgrade, and really buried this game.

The story is terrible, and regresses entirely from what happened in the first two games. It doesn't make any sense and has a massive jump from the game and basically retcons the ending from 2. I get they kind of wrote themself into a corner but this wasn't the way to do it. You start out as Delsin, a small town delinquent with a cop brother. Sound familiar? Nearby a bunch of conduits escape from an escort and you touch one, which activates your powers instead of the explosion of energy setup in the games before. Your tribe gets attacked because they protect you by a GOVERNMENT BODY. AND NO ONE CARES DESPITE ALL THE ENVIDENCE OF IT. Like, I'm expected to believe the pictures, video, physical evidence, x-rays, medical reports that this happened would be swept under the rug? Really? So, you go to Seattle to get the bad guy's power and save your tribe, and in the process you dismantle the DUP, which has somehow COMPLETELY taken over the ENTIRETY of SEATTLE to capture THREE conduits. Really? All the characters are annoying too, especially yours. They're also stereotypical, which means they have almost no depth despite their attempts when they info dump the backstories for them. The first two didn't have amazing stories, but still had memorable characters with a lot of depth that I cared about. Here? None of them. Not even a little. I also hate how the first two games basically had NOTHING mentioned at all, even though they would've been very relevant events. There was like, maybe three instances of small references but it was almost like they lost the licenses of the first two games and weren't allowed to talk about them. It is weird.

Pretty much the only good thing I can say about this game. The game looks great visually. The powers look great visually. This game definitely looks flashy and good especially with a lot of the powers and animations. I think that Seattle's portrayal is a little... Meh. Since like, it is sooooo much tinier than the other games it doesn't feel like a big, sprawling city. I think it should've been like the first two with a 'inspired' city, that they could've been more creative with. But I think the game looks good, and most people would agree.

Barely any, nothing good, all generic bland and mediocre except for the licensed music, which is used sparingly.

Don't play this game. There are plenty like it that are more fun and interesting and attempt to be unique. This one has so many 'we need to checkmark this off the list of what is required in a video game' moments it almost drove me insane. I hated this game.