Infamous 2009

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 30, 2023

Platforms Played


inFamous was a much better game than I expected when I played it. The abilities were really fun to use even if they were a bit basic, the parkour was really good for the most part, and I really liked the story. It was all a bit simple but I think that makes sense for the first game in the series, and I also enjoy the morality mechanic. This was pretty new at the time and I think they did a decent job not going overboard with it.

The gameplay involves fighting a variety of groups throughout Empire City that has their own minions to fight against, with some being clones but also having a few unique variants for the factions. You spend a lot of the game traversing the city and using you powers to get through the areas in a variety of ways, and I really enjoy the mixture of parkour and combat. You have side missions and main missions, with the main missions helping to unlock more of the map, while side missions clear areas of enemies. The side missions had a few highlights but it was quite frustrating sometimes because you got a lot of repeated ones that weren't very fun, but thankfully they were relatively short so if you got a mission you disliked you could get through it quickly. The game also has a lot of replayability by going through the game again making new choices to be evil or good, which also gives you some new missions and changes a few aspects.

The story for the game involves you, Cole, as a bike messenger when your package explodes, causing destruction through the city with you also gaining powers. Because of a plague, the city is quarantined and during this you are framed as a terrorist. The story involves you and your companions trying to clear your name, escape the city, and to figure out what to do with a mysterious object called the Ray Sphere, the thing that seemingly gave you your powers. Simple story, but I think it worked really well and I like some of the story beats it hit, even if it had very little depth and left a lot to be unresolved. I want to say though the voice acting was a HUGE improvement compared to the Sly games. Every character lands their role so well, especially Cole and Zeke. I was seriously impressed.

This game looked like the year it was made it. Brown, grey, dark and gritty. You get these really nice contrasts with your character's powers against the backdrop but I would've loved some more interesting and iconic locations to explore and see. The game is extremely impressive with the lack of loads as you explore the overworld, but the performance took a dip occasionally, especially when you used some of your powers. The abilities though look visually amazing, especially the final one you acquire.

I was not really a fan of the music. Too little, no interesting tracks to remember, I especially disliked the ending boss fight music because it was about as basic as it could possibly get. Especially because Sucker Punch had some really good music in the games before, so I kinda wish that talent transferred over to this game.

I loved this game. It had great combat and movement, it had fun gameplay and a good story with unique things about it and talent. I felt the side missions were poorly done and it was a bit too basic to be an extremely good experience, but I liked this game way more than I thought I was going to.