It’s a joke between some of my friends that this is my favorite game. It’s not, BUT it’s nowhere near as bad as people say it is and I will defend it until I die. I am Gotham Knight’s Strongest Soldier.

It’s great if you wanna play an NES Mario game as luigi, otherwise this game can go fuck itself

I bought this for 30¢ and still got ripped off.

I’ve had hemorrhoids more fun than this game.

I don’t trust anyone who hasn’t played this game

Game is good but it’s just a prequel to portal 2.

I have yet to experience any game more joyful to play through. Perfect game. Greatest of all time.

I’m in the minority with this, but this game was boooooring. The gameplay was repetitive and the settings were stale and lifeless.

It’s great! Stop rereleasing it!

God I love ice cream so much dude

It’s pretty good but it has some annoying segments near the endgame

It’s pretty great but DAMN those Difficulty spikes…

That ending was the only time I’ve ever cried playing a game

This game has so much sauce good lord