One of the biggest whatever games, everything in it is fine. The 3rd Trial is the peak of the game. The ending is rushed, and it doesn't feel like an ending but I refuse to do every side quest and merlin trial to see if there is more.

I liked the aesthetic of this game. The art design was really neat. I also really liked Trevor, even though he's voiced by my mortal enemy. I enjoyed the ending of the game the most, especially the Live Chat, I thought that was a good bit.

- There are way too many cutscenes. They interrupt you every 5-10 minutes, and the audio is too loud in some of them.
- There are lots of bugs. I was tackled and arrested mid air by an Interceptor.
- The first person sections are not fun.
- The puzzles are all tedious and feel like padding instead of being fun and giving you a sense of accomplishment.
- There is too much world building for such a simple concept. It's The Truman Show made by Walt Disney, but they insist on reminding you every chance they get.
- They over explain every concept in the world except the most ridiculous ones, like oh yeah tell me about the live streaming app, but don’t explain how the cameras work or the dome itself. YES GAME I'M SO STUPID THAT YOU NEED TO SPEND 5 MINUTES EXPLAINING A LIVE STREAMING APP.
- All the characters are kinda shit (Except Trevor)
- This game refuses to let you miss any reference it makes, like your boss at the start of the game is ‘Lumbergh’ from “Office Space.” I was like oh that's funny and then 5 minutes later someone is like “OH YA LIKE FROM OFFICE SPACE.”
- My game crashed twice, which was fine because the checkpoint system is decent but like look at it come on.
- The game recommends you use a controller. They lied to me. Do not use one.
- At the end you should’ve been able to choose whether you stay or leave. Would be in line with Trevor gaining autonomy and agency but it would kinda ruin the game. Still sucks though

One last thing. During the Viso-o-rama section (which is like a dream sequence) they tell you to break your routine. In front of you is a card reader that opens the gate from your job at the beginning of the game. You use it like 3 times in the opening so I thought “oh I’ll walk past it, that makes sense.” But nothing happened, I had to punch in to progress. This is the way the game handles everything. Don’t think, just drool and hit the buttons you ape.

Although I jumped up and cheered when Trevor said “LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.” That ruled.

This game rules. The sprite work is incredible and its pretty challenging compared to most Pokémon games. Pokémon is cool.

Goodnight, Valerie. Today was a good day.

Replayed the game and finally played the DLC. One of the greatest of all time. If you're reading this cut off all contact with the outside world and play this forever. It's worth it.

Way too short. 20 hours to do a poor version of Kraven's Last Hunt and Venom. But they raised the swinging speed so 8/10

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pretty god damn great. Big fan of all the little bits you get to do. The main story is also pretty strong but the ending is a little flat. Haven't done new game plus but I might if I'm feeling cheeky ;P Overall great experience and my GOTY so far (Eat shit BG3 soy boys)

dog shit but they fixed the pc boxes

not for me but also its rad as hell and I like watching my friends play it

this game is great and you play it. very cute and also crazy. Played a rhythm game during a weeb's dream.

These puzzles fuck and I love that Cat. #JusticeForCait.

Dog ass game with loads of weird bugs. Has 2 good things in it and both are ripped from James Gunn. DOG SHIT.

The time travel mission is so good I didn't think they could top it, but damn, they do.

One of the biggest whatever games, but it's fun I guess.