Better than the first game by a pretty significant margin. The cases are much better and less predictable, as is The Big Twist(tm).

GW2 is really interesting. It's basically an MMO that hates MMOs. When treated as a huge single player or small group co-op game with occasional updates, it's a great experience. The world is awesome and lovingly crafted. The art style is fantastic and the music is great. The main storyline of the base game is extremely hit and miss, and as a disclaimer, I haven't played any of the expansions so I'm not prepared to talk about them.

If you're looking for something in the vein of WoW, you will not find it here. GW2 absolutely despises the idea of a gear treadmill, so vertical character progression is almost nonexistent beyond level cap. Raids were a very late addition (not even in the base game) and a very hesitant one. There is essentially no incentive to repeatedly run a dungeon unless you fancy the particular armor skins available from it. There is no "holy trinity" of roles in GW2. This means no healers coordinating with tanks, no dps doing anything specific to help out those healers, etc. It's just a group of people jumping around doing their own thing and trying not to die. The actual cooperation between players is almost nil, and encounter design is very limited by this foundation.

Truthfully, I think GW2 fails as an MMO, but not as a game. Just do not go to GW2 if you're looking for a WoW replacement.

If there's one thing MoP deserves praise for, it's its content cycle. MoP was supported very, very well with good patch content at a very good cadence. The music also deserves huge props.

I admit, I played very little of MoP, and that holds true for any expansion in the post LFR age of WoW. I consider everything after Cataclysm to be "modern" WoW, and I can't enjoy it the way I do the stuff that precedes it. As far as "modern" WoW expansions go though, MoP is solid.

This game slaps and is lowkey the best pack-in title since Super Mario World.

It turns out I don't like Layton games, because everything I disliked in this game came from the Layton side.

Arguably Platinum's best game. Just fun as hell from start to finish, with a truly great final boss. Soundtrack is rad.

Don't Starve is unfortunately more cool than it is fun.

Smirk is maybe the worst idea that anyone has ever had.

I just found this extremely boring. Not really a fan of most of the yokai designs either. Definitely not on the same level as Pokemon.

Not quite as great as Pikmin 2, but very solid. Give us more.

A big, cool mess. I'll be honest, a great deal of my affection for Dual Destinies is ironic in nature. Seeing Apollo sporting THIS look in his second game is hilarious to me. The constant droning about The Dark Age of the Law makes me yell in a good way. Dual Destinies is stupid, but it's the kind of stupid that I can get behind. It is the schlockiest AA game, but man, sometimes its nice to just down a whole steaming pile of McDonalds hamburgers, and with DD it's bon appetit.

A Realm Reborn is a middling remake of arguably the worst game of 2010, elevated all the way to my Game of the Year list in the 2013 slot by my own stupid rules about expansions and remakes.

A Realm Reborn (what this rating applies to) is fine. Heavensward is finer. Stormblood is good. Shadowbringers and Endwalker are incredible. That's enough for the tl;dr.

Definitely one of the best Telltale games. So glad the sequel is still happening.

There exists a ferocious double-standard between Diamond and Pearl and X and Y. Both sets of games feel underbaked and are possessed of quite noticeable flaws and deficiencies. The difference is that one set got a third game to make everyone forget about them, and the other set didn't.

Pokemon Y is too damned easy. Even if one leverages the vast, beautiful freedom Pokemon so often presents, there's so little that one can do to make a late-game gym leader difficult when his team consists only of three bad ice types and one of them doesn't even have a full moveset.

The thing is, I love Kalos. That's just one of my many flaws. I love Yveltal and Xerneas, and I even love Team Flare. They're a cabal of ultra-wealthy hyper-elitist Ayn Rand readers who view everyone but themselves as parasites. They already have more than anyone else, but they think they're entitled to the rest of it and they're willing to kill everyone else in the world to avoid sharing it. I just... is that not interesting to you? Is that level of narcissism not compelling? Team Flare is a great idea failed utterly by poor execution, exemplified perfectly by that one line (you know the one) from Serena/Calem and the insistence on having Flare grunts incessantly spouting lines about "a beautiful world" without selling the sinister subtext of "one without poors like you."

Look, if there's one angle from which I want you to listen to me when I defend X and Y, it's the multiplayer angle. Generation 6 has a proper, honest friends list available at all times on its bottom screen. The PSS is, without contest, the best multiplayer interface that Pokemon has ever had, and I loved living in its ecosystem. I could see when my friends were online and what changes they'd made to their trainers, I could send them little messages and interact with them in other ways. I could battle someone without having to set up a goddamned link code and coordinating with them through some other method. I could trade without having to pray that I don't get randomly matched with some stranger who doesn't have what I want.

There's so much I could say to champion Gen 6, but I so seldom bother to try, because I don't think they're the best of the games and because nobody listens to me anyway. The truth is that I'm tired and it doesn't matter.

Just bring back the megas and super-training.

This exists. If you're a big fan and just want more Arkham, then go for it. Otherwise feel free to skip.