I had one of my best birthdays ever playing through Subspace Emissary. As an actual multiplayer Smash game, it's clearly the worst one. As a big dumb crossover? It's everything I ever wanted.

Now that's how you end a video game.

Not quite as hot as the legendary Symphonia, but there are people who would beat me up for saying that. The story is great most of the way through, but starts to fall apart a bit near the end.

Solid, but there are better Fallouts.

It's pretty and it plays fine. Very short, but it's a pretty nice time.

I just like seeing them hang out okay

Underrated modern adventure game. Funny and charming.

A worthy successor to Sly Cooper.

Much better than many would have you believe, and I wish people would stop acting like it doesn't count.

Arkham Asylum kicks ass. There are plenty of licensed super hero games that serve as showcases for the chosen IP, but Arkham Asylum really makes the most of its source material and hits the player in the face with everything that makes Batman good.

The best of M&L. There are some parts that drag, but it's well written and it has some really cool, creative moments.

Don't bother playing single player, but get 3 friends together and it's kinda neat.

Bayonetta is bonkers. I was super turned off from it for years, mostly because of the weird hair suit thing. It's fun though.