My personal favorite in the series. Earthbound Beginnings COUGH Earthbound Zero is better COUGH Stands out to me more than Earthbound thanks to alot of the minor details in the story.
-Everyone has an endgoal (except maybe Loid)
-Rather than being in some sort of Prophecy, your adventure is done because Ninten chose to do so.
-Throughout the game, you learn bits and pieces of Ninten's past as well as the background of your party's characters
Not to mention that the game is honestly the most forgiving NES RPG to date. It's throws you so many bones, you could be called a spoiled puppy in the end of the game.
Why is this 4 star instead of 5? Well... The issue for me is that
-The game is an NES RPG, it has to rely on NPCs and dialogue for you to get the full picture
-Very little bosses (Every encounter is considered a boss though)
-I have to recommend modded versions of the game to friends
Despite the game being very forgiving, it's very grindy and the game's random encounter system is beyong annoying. (Earthbound Zero Improved IMO is the best way to play the game)
-The game is very clunky
Like, it takes 1 second to start walking, which you can get around with just holding B

TL;DR My favorite mother game, but too much holding it back for me to call it objectively great. It's still worth playing, just pick up a modded version of it like Earthbound Zero Improved (best one) or Mother 25th Anniversary edition.

This is definitely the easiest mother game to recommend.
Very engaging story, Fresh take on RPG Combat (to a certain extent), vibrant Artstyle, Awesome Music (ESPECIALLY for a GBA game), Lovable characters among many others. While I feel like the game gets praise up the ass, I do believe this is Objectively the best Mother game in terms of the full package and my 2nd favorite in the series. (Only being beaten by Earthbound Zero by a hair).
The game has bits of critiques on capitalism, america and pretty much is a pessimist's wet dream.
This game isn't perfect though, while the previous games in the series relies on dialogue, this game wants to flex the power of the GBA, so alot of your time will be spent watching Cutscenes. While they are beautiful, They're very long, ESPECIALLY a huge lore dump in the final chapter.
The Combat while is a refreshing take, is super annoying to deal with. It's hard to explain it without a video example casting a shield in a party of 4 people but the shield is casted one at a time while your party member is visibly Dying. That's Mother 3 combat.
Also said cutscenes really punches you in the gut when you wanna replay the game. I mean, I get it, the game is Story first, gameplay second, but it still sucks since I have a tradition of playing all 3 mother games every year. It's a nitpick for sure but it makes the game really annoying to speedrun.
Overall? It's a fantastic game and something I'd recommend to everyone. BUT PLEASE, play the first 2 games, at least Earthbound. The game has alot of Fan service for Earthbound and sometimes Mother 1 (cries). An absolute masterpiece.

It’s definitely a love it or hate it type game. To quote WhiteLight. Your mileage will come out from how much you can relate to the characters. And boy do I relate to everything about this game. Being an outcast, feeling like your life is falling down, the hopelessness of being independent, it’s all so tiresome yet I couldn’t get enough of it. Look, the writing is very hit or miss, mostly miss, but it tackles so many real life problems that very few games have done. While other games would later do them better, it doesn’t mean this game is obsolete, it’s a fantastic game, from the artstyle to the setting to some of the characters. It’s an experience I highly recommend but do keep in mind that this game is very inconsistent in a lot of areas, but I’ll always love this game.

This is probably one of the best Zombie survival games out there. While the story falls through towards the end, the movement, combat, crafting, everything is made so well, I fell in love with the gameplay in an instant. If story is what you’re after, The Following is much more interesting in terms of story, however the map is very flat and you’ll be driving most of the time. Nevertheless, it’s a great game, it’s also co-op, it doesn’t get any better than this.

This game made me remember why I loved exploration in video games. Put this game in front of anyone and they’ll talk about how good the artstyle is. As short and rushed this game is, I was sucked into the world of Firewatch and enjoyed every minute of it, even just filling up my camera’s with useless screenshots was so much fun. The voice acting is definitely a cream on the top, it’s excellent, it even trumps a lot of AAA video games. Though, the game is really really short and the ending was a kick in the face, but in the end, I love this game, I can’t wait to see Camp Santo’s next game.

It’s one of the more better team shooters. Many will just dismiss this as an Overwatch clone. To me this game feel like first person league of legends, the game is buggy, balance is out of wack but in the end, the devs are lovable and I love the gameplay this game offers, the mix of true MOBA gameplay with FPS is a breath of fresh air. It’s free too so why not try it?

This game is fantastic for Zombies, honestly the best entry if you're on PC thanks to custom maps. Multiplayer is good too. However the campaign stinks and the only good thing about it is Coop.

Campaign and Spec Ops are fantastic but I fucking hated multiplayer. I'm more of a Black Ops 2 dude

This game is definitely a fun playground to dick around in. But the substance of the game is very hit or miss. I dunno where to begin with the story. Good in someways, very very bad in others. But the aesthetics, the music, so much about this game makes it very comfy to play. That seems to be bethesda's strong point, making worlds to explore and have fun in.

This game is a must have for anyone who has a PC. While I have fun just exploring around Boston in Fo4, I loved doing quests and taking in the Mojave, it sucks that I have to mod the game to get the full experience without crashing. IMO play the game with the JSawyer mod if it's your first time. To me it's like a director's cut.

Probably one of the best games ever made. While the humor is extremely eye rolling (Making it a product of it's time) I still giggle at shit like Shooty McShootface. The gameplay loop is really addicting and is one of the most replayable games ever made, it still has a dedicated playerbase to this day.

My personal favorite in the series, Far Cry 2 is a lonely and unforgiving game. This is more of a driving simulator but god damn is it pretty to take in. I love the survival-lite features like the healing animations and being able to heal with food. It's also a bit buggy unless you cap the game at 60FPS. It's definitely a love it or hate it game, I have some friends that find it a drag to play and others who love it to death. IMO it's worth giving a shot, especially with how dirt cheap it goes on sale.

No game has made me fall in love with it's world and gameplay as much as Dark Souls. I had to restart the game about 7 times but I still hungrily try to perfect my build each time, when I finally finished, I was crying, tears of joy, tears of sorrow, so many emotions flowing through me that I couldn't describe. I Rarely call games perfect but this game is a contender of best game of all time, it's as perfect as a game can get...until you reach the second half of the game. Nevertheless. it's an experience I recommend to everyone, even if you don't beat it.

People like to call this game Hardcore fallout and while that is true to an extent, I'd much rather call this game a Survival-Lite game. As janky as the mechanics such as leaning and alot of the assets being bought from a store, this game makes an atmosphere that is unmatched by even some AAA games. It's probably one of the more immersive shooters out there, rivaling far cry 2 and such. My issue with this game is how hard it is to get into thanks to the game giving you the dinkiest pistol imaginable, making the beginning of the game soul crushingly difficult.