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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 12, 2024

First played

March 7, 2024

Platforms Played


Went into this game expecting a much improved version of the original's Midgar arc, and came out with the realization that sometimes less is more.

For the most part FF7R is perfectly good game. Especially in the combat aspect, considering I was expecting it to be dull and brainless, but I ended up liking the combat quite a bit, even if I thought a lot of the enemies or bosses were extremely annoying to fight. I just really appreciated how radically different each character felt, which made them all fun to use.

My main issue with the game is I just felt that outside of the Wall Market section, every attempt to expand or pad out the story was extremely dull and uninteresting. There were so many times I just wished I could end some new section of the game to continue to the next part of the story.

This issue affected the ending the most for me, because I absolutely hated the final boss(es) and how even after escaping Midgar it felt like the game just kept going and going. Gotta give props to the game for giving you the "this is the point of no return" notice -three separate times-.

I don't even have a problem with the 'ghosts' and the whole 'fate' plot element, I just felt like having a big huge epic boss fight for no other reason than "it's the end of the game so you gotta have one" was really annoying, and especially what came AFTER that, it just seemed like the devs were blowing their load way too early.

Lastly, and probably my #1 biggest gripe is that the soundtrack is extremely forgettable. Pretty much every new rendition of a song feels inferior to the original, ESPECIALLY J-E-N-O-V-A. FF7's original soundtrack is so memorable, but the orchestral renditions of Remake just seem like noise to me.