6 reviews liked by Diasdias

The text boxes for Chocobos describe them as making Wark and Kweh sound effects. However, in the voice lines they only ever Kweh and never Wark. Very disappointing.

Less of a horror game (which I was expecting) and more of a shock game if that makes sense. Some of the content in here is pretty typical banter that you'd see in an MMO regardless of whether the MMO is about to die or not which was fun but it quickly evolves into some of the most shocking stuff you could possibly run into. Particularly neo-nazi death cults, people worshipping real life murders, people talking about their fetishes, explicit cyber sex, etc. I applaud the dev for going this far with the subject material but it was kind of hard to get through and almost a bit cheesy and unrealistic feeling at times. In the end the vibe is definitely worth experiencing and there's a streamer mode to help make it a bit less explicit.

this is peak gaming

the models are so funny

This game makes me feel emasculated. Like, how are you supposed to compete with that dude. It's almost comical at times, rooms full of white stuff. This should be considered horror, cosmic horror.
Good faps thoe.

french character (gross!) but he's portrayed as a frog and also a sex pervert so that makes up for it Iguess,