We didn't deserve this game. It was too beautiful for this world.

Played the original release on its launch and I didn't like it.
Played Special Edition with 70+GB of mods in 2023 and I still didn't like it.

Cannot understand what people see in this game.

Bought this game because a guy I had a crush on liked it, then he stopped talking to me and I never touched the game again.

Only time I ever played this game I beat it in one sitting in under 4 hours and never looked back.

Easily one of the biggest buyers' remorse I've ever experienced. This would easily be my most hated FF game if 2 didn't exist.

I bought this day 1 but then I started playing FFXIV like a week later and then I never touched this game again.

This game seems a little obscure. The developers apparently only ever made 3 games. This game is a lot of fun though; driving and drifting feels really nice, the tracks are cool and varied and the soundtrack is pretty unique.

I think anyone who enjoys racing games should give this one a go, I assure it won't disappoint.

Cute little game. It was actually my first Ace Combat and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Played this one with a NEGCON too which made the experience pretty sweet.

Game is lovely but it's actually insulting to make a character like Takumi and then not have him be a romance option smh.

Played the heck out of this as a kid. Still one of my best experiences in a fighting game.

Neat little game. Honestly a lot better than I would have expected considering it's based on a single movie.

Multiplayer is a plus too, though the combat is a little jank and broken so you can stunlock your opponent. Watching the FPS take a nosedive on the Zeong mirror match is hilarious too.

The animated cutscenes are also really nice.

Game crashed on me after not having saved for like 4 hours and I never played it again.

It was my second Pokemon game and I enjoyed it.