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I like many other fans was very much hyped for this new classic style Sonic game, after the release of Maina was hoping this game would be just as great if not possibly better.
Well unfortunately it just isn't, its not terrible like I see a good majority think, but ultimately it decent enough.

I will start off with the positives this game has before the bad and kind of ugly side.

The game graphically and aesthetic wise looks great for the new gen, they go for this 2.5 D look with models and not sprites like the previous classic games.
Which is a shame because i think this game in sprite form would look even greater, but what we have is still rather nice and colourful with the presentation only helping it.

The controls are tight and responsive as they should be, the momentum as well as physics feel pretty good as such feels just like a genesis game, so no complaints there.

The option to pick between five playable characters Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and newcomer Trip, is very nice and all feel great to play around with, having their own little quirks that set them apart from each other, which can add to replay ability alot.

Stages are mostly really well designed, vibrant and have their own distinct look with unique stage gimmicks that stand out from each other.
But then some like, Press Factory, Frozen Base and Egg Fortress being quite annoying and kind of dull looking as well as plenty of cheap enemy placement.
On top of that they can go on for a bit too long sometimes as a result over stay their welcome.

The Soundtrack is a mixed bag, most of the stages are upbeat, bouncy and good but then the boss music and some others are so bad I just wanna mute them.

The Chaos powers are really cool in concept but I never used them that much aside from Trips story, some bosses and when they flat out tell you to use them.

Then the bad which there isn't too many things to talk about but the ones that are here really drop the games quality over all.

The special stages are terribly designed, very boring and dull looking and almost feels like completely luck based whether you will get the emeralds or coins in the time limit.
Because of the dumb tether rope not locking on all the time, then some times even if you follow the set path you can still fail because you can never keep up with the prize.
After getting all the emeralds stay away from these unless you really want those coins to spend in the shop for robot parts, which speaking of that the battle mode is really nothing special and something you will only spend an hour or so on if that.

The Boss Fights oh my god, they are probably the worst part about this game.
Everyone of them is a big waiting game they do a set amount of attacks then after about 2 minutes of waiting or dogging then you can hit them ONE time then your back waiting to get another hit in.
It doesn't help when bosses both go on for way too long reaching 8- 10 minutes sometimes which is insane for a classic game, but then have some really cheap and bullshit difficulty for no reason.

The Fang Final boss is hands down one of the worst fights in the franchise, it takes like 10 minutes not to mention all retries you probably will do after dying so much, since you need to hit him 15 times throughout, oh but the real reason its bad, 90% of his attacks more so from the robot phase one shots you or in other words instant kills, it made me almost rage quit as result but after 2 plus hours he is done forever.
And the true final boss is one big RNG fight since the rings you need in order to stay alive randomly spawn in different locations and said rings isn't that many until your friends drop some for you but I swear they give you them at some of the worst times when it transitions into another phase which cancels them out with all the rings so that's fun, overall a slog.

And finally Trips story in other words hard mode, while a cool feature, is such a headache to get through because of more cheap enemies constantly hitting you from off screen or running into them all time plus SPIKES EVERYWHERE.
The people who made this games idea of a hard mode is an actually joke, I'm convinced they saw the Sonic Unleased DLC and said: "we should do this but in a classic style".
This where most of the Chaos powers was used since I wanted to get them over with and skip as much as possible.

So in conclusion this game is good, hell it can be really fun at times, but those other elements I touched on really hinders the overall enjoyment.
I would say give it shot, pretty fun just not worth 60 dollars.
Your time and money is better spent on Sonic Maina which is way cheaper then this.

Fuck the wolves and the piece of shit gap.

Absolutely stunned at the end of the game, when Sonic pepper sprayed Lyric.

Sonic Frowny Tears: The Final Headache

You actually need skill to win, not cheap rubber banding bullshit.

Forget all those old AMV's, this is the true evil Kirby.

My reward for finishing this game was a back cramp for two days.

This game has no right to have a soundtrack that goes this hard.