322 Reviews liked by DinoMoli

This is the silliest, cutest, funniest game I've ever played.

This game absolutely shivered me timbers all the way

Numbah 7. Shtudent watches pawn n gits noiked.

Trust me bro I watched 500 videos about it on Youtube, I can give it a score on Backloggd.com.

Look at those paper graphics those look almost as good as REAL divorce papers

It's been a long time since I've played a game that so comprehensibly nails its intended mission.

Remember when Markiplier called Nightmare an "unemployed piece of shit"?

tomorrow won't come for those without a reversible octopus plushie.

i watched faze jev played the whole thing when i was 13 its basically the same as playing it

One of the most cynical games ever released. The sole purpose of this game's existence is to squeeze further money from Marvel die-hards that already put down money for the game itself, but demands more with cosmetics, progression boosters, and special packs that 99 percent of the time contain nothing of value.

Literally locked segments behind level caps, meaning you'd either have to grind forever replaying the same missions in the same corridors over and over, or just pay an easy payment of 24.99 in order to get the boost to your level!


You are doing god a favor by not buying this piece of shit