Incredible adaptation of Resident Evil 4, I beat it on Hardcore difficulty and it was extremely rewarding and challanging, definately recomend. Be warned except for 6 this is the longest game in the series easily.
Tbh might be my Game of the Ye-checks calander nevermind..

The world would be better for everyone if Twitter didn't exsist

just $60 mobile game, I long for the day we get a Marvel Allience game half as good as Lego Marvel Superheroes.

Love this game. Not a fan fan of Standees tho, too grindy and not really applicable to anything like the stamps were.

Please tell me other people got the cube glitch when unlocking suits😍😍😍
Fr tho this game goes hard, main story is grand in scale/scope, all the side missions rock, and combat feels superb. I never really got good at perries, and the map feels a little empty now that it's so big. I had an amazong time and I will definately come back to this soon.

rut tout tuda tu don't pee on the floor use the comedore LA LAA LA LAA

Femdom Mommy Vampires, Magneto Walter White, and Zombie Mold Witches honestly isn't where I thought this series would go.

Best PS5 game, not even worth buying other games

I have a skill issue I can't beat Nightmare mode :'(

Toy Bonnie and Withered Foxy are broken fr, this game needed more time in the oven

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Jess is my favorite character, I almost cried when I actually saved her in the end.

I've played this game for 6 hours, it's ass and I'm done playing.

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I hate that if you choose to save Zoe in the main story the game is just like "No. Fuck you actually she just fucking dies anyway even though that doesn't make sense, you'll still play as Mia anyway, and in the DLC what you did isn't even canon! and actually you should have done the other option, you fucking idiot."
So then I'm like "Okay" and for the whole Mia part on the boat, I still think I'm Zoe and I'm all confused when it's revealed to be Mia who I last saw like three fucking hours ago on the dock. Why even make it a choice? WHY EVEN HAVE THAT INTERACTION!?

Even for a Resident Evil game, this game gives you No Ammo.

Chris look a bit funky wack, but pretty good hour of fun for a free DLC.