The world would be better for everyone if Twitter didn't exsist

Femdom Mommy Vampires, Magneto Walter White, and Zombie Mold Witches honestly isn't where I thought this series would go.

While not quite as heavy hitting as the first Pass I like how each character is more Neche and complex than previous characters with Steve being my main example.
DLC-1:- Min Min - 7/10
DLC-2: Steve, Alex, Zombie, and Enderman - 8/10
DLC-3: Sephiroth - 9/10
DLC-4: Pyra and Mythra - 6/10
DLC-5: Kazuya - 7/10
DLC-6: Sora - 8/10

Please tell me other people got the cube glitch when unlocking suits😍😍😍
Fr tho this game goes hard, main story is grand in scale/scope, all the side missions rock, and combat feels superb. I never really got good at perries, and the map feels a little empty now that it's so big. I had an amazong time and I will definately come back to this soon.

Gordon Ramsay
Finally some good F**king ZOO TYCOON.

This game is simply wonderful with it's beautiful art design witch isn't ever matched even by subsequent game in the series, the staggering amount of collectables can and probably should though people off from 100% this game like I did but overall a great time and worth playing for the final boss intro alone.

More effort should have been put in the presentation of these titles.

While it had it's moments in my opinion this game peaked about half way through and was in all honestly a chore to beat by the end. Definatly a step in the right direction for Nintendo actually remaking there older titles, but it was on the Gameboy and was never looked back on since(although it had sequels in the MvDK series nintendo never continues to remake games in this vain until fairly recently).

Resident Evil 4 is pretty good, however towards the later half of the game I was very univested. I didn't enjoy the extremely linier style it takes on during the final act and for the most part the setting compaired to earlier parts of the game wasn't very engaging.

I enjoyed the Wii pointer controls but I did have some issue with aiming the camera itself, and sometimes the over-the-shoulder view got in the way.

I still think if they should remake Code Veronica over this game.

Fun spin-off of Jurassic Park based of the original idea Spielberg had for a sequel but doesn't give much justice to the series, being really inconsistent with the canon like featuring JP3 Pteranodons in the first movies setting, the dialog is pretty crumby as well. On the bright side this game has some fun action set pieces, the story and new elements to the lore is pretty interesting, and the new Dinosaurs/Extinct animals are cool but were ultimately retconned. If you like the first Jurassic Park, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

Even for a Resident Evil game, this game gives you No Ammo.

Halo 5's gameplay isn't very good, and completely forgets how a Halo game is supposed to work, while it fixes running and my problem with the weapons from Halo 4, I still don't think running should have been in either of these games to begin with and most of the moveset in this game seems to only exsist to make it unneccesarilly complicated.
This game is a 4-Player Co-Op game desguised as a Halo game, Halo 3 and Halo Reach have good single players and good Co-op becaise it is a single player campaign that supports Co-Op not the other way round.
The story is exhausting and the premise alone is massive stretch from ehat one could naturally assume happens after the 4th game and even then my patience was wearing thin with the story.