haha I bought a game I can never play

This is easily my least favorite Resident Evil game(so far), I made it about half way through and probably won't finish it.
My main problem with this game is the difficulty, I enjoy some of the challenge of the other RE games, but this game just frustrates and annoys me.

The game is noticably more challenging than any of the RE games to come after, with no easier difficulty in the Western release. In the beginning area, the game throws dozens of zombies at you with barely any ammo, and throughout the game I was forced to get through many important segments without any supplies, and I gave up on the plane fight as I was essnetially soft locked.

The controls are easily the worst in the series while the improved Camera system is nice, however in the fully 3D enviorments it feels like the game might as well have been closer to being over-the-shoulder or something. In this game more than any other(specifically the Gamecube games) I find myself floundering with the controls. Due to this I often miss shots wasting ammo, fail to avoid oncoming attacks wasting health, and over time this just builds to being an annoying experience where I feel like every time I die I'm being cheated by the game, and I run out of needed supplies too quickly to keep up with the game when I need to.

Before certain enemy encounters the game with play a unique door animation to build up tention, this gets old after the first time it happens and in certain bossfights if you die you have to sit through 10 seconds of one door opening every single time after you die.

Other than gameplay the voice acting is particularly bad and distracting, nothing new for this series, but it's just another thing that holds this game back from me enjoying it at all.

I just feel like I wasted my time.
Honestly I don't understand why Capcom chose to remake 'Resident Evil 4' over this, considering how poorly this game has aged compaired to it's contemporaries and how praised RE4 is already.

Fun side story of Halo 3 but it did take me a bit to get used to the gameplay as it does change some things from traditional halo 3 as you are obviously no longer Master Chief or the Arbiter, and based on my initial impressions I'm a little confused about the Epilogue and how it actually fits with Halo 3, Buck's charactor and his romance with the captain was also annoying in my opinion and some of the dialogue from the playable characters was the worst part about the game in my opinion. Still like I said a good game worth your time if you like Halo.

Really nice graphical artstyle with incredable music but I find the gameplay a bit unsatisfying. Still a classic.

Super Mario Odyssey is a fantastic game, Mario's control's are perfect for this game, and the graphics are beutiful on Switch. Rarely do I ever have a perspective issue unless in handheld, I do find some of the Moons in the game to be either annoying or completly throw away forgettable, I also find it a bit odd the 2D sections can't be played with D Pad as that would be much smoother in my opnion, but other than that I don't have any major issues, this game is great!

Fifty real-life dollars for the Indominus Rex

Best DLC for Jurassic World Evolution and justifies a purchase for the main game(for discount of coarse) by itself the game isn't much but I loved this campaign and the Jurassic Park stuff it adds to the game as a whole.

I have two problems and two problems only...

First(No Spoilers). Whenever Fury Bowser shows up the game Lags horribly, like it has basic completly ruined what I was trying to do not from Bowser, but from the lag spike he brings with him. The game can go from sunny running perfectly 60fps in handheld and when Fury Bowser shows up not even the Switch's dock can help the system power through the gerthy lag spike.

Second. I really wish there were unlockable stamps for this game like 3D world in Bowser Jr.'s Artstyle. I was holding out maybe this would be a completion reward but no their are no Bowser's Fury themed stamps. :'(

Other than those minor problems, this is a fantastic add on to 3D World worth getting the Switch version for!

I loved this game on Wii U, with it's cute and wonderful looking artstyle, and it's fantastic soundtrack!
I think for the most part it holds up but if you are looking to complete this game it is a SLOUG. Every level has 3 Diamonds you have to find, they basically just act as stars from 3D World pretty standard, but every level also has bonus challenge which you need to do in order to get a stamp on the level and a badge on the Episode on the menu and this task doesn't show up until you beat the level for the first time for some reason? it just seems like a given to make this appear when the level is available so you could at least try to get the challenge done in one go and it's annoying to have to redo the level because you barely missed a challenge you didn't even know was a requirement, as well as many of these challenges towards the end of Episode 3 are just absurd 'find the gold mushroom challenges' where it is invisible and in some random hard to reach spot and in Bonus Episode they are all just 'get X amount of coins' where you'll end up redoing the level multiple times because once you got 158 coins instead 160 and it's just irritating! Then you have to find Pixel Toad who in the Wii U version was locked behind the Amiibo which was weird but it just a cute bonus mode unnecessary for the game but now because it's not locked behind Amiibo it really does count and I'm really not a fan of them just hiding toad in random spots and having a slight audio cue to try and find him it's just irritating and he is hidden in EVERY LEVEL.
I don't know I think it's a cute game it's painfully monotonous and slow and in my opinion losses it's charm about half way through.
I've also found controls docked are funky with + being the reset button for the Gyro aim not just the Gyro aim button and to pause I can only use - docked than handheld requires touch so theirs not much of an ideal way to play.
I'm not anticipating playing the DLC this game didn't need and why didn't the Bonus 3D world levels make it to Switch yet?

I'm so full from cigarettes! YUM!

I still think this premise of a group of survivors escaping the original park(aka Speilbergs original idea for the sequel) has potential but still nothing has given it true justice so far, although this did get really close.

This game suffers straight up bad animation at times, silly dialogue, a bizarrely awful framerate, and cheep quick time events. I will always have a soft spot for this game and I respect how ambitious it was but damn they could have done better, WAY better.

It's fun, I barely understood what was happening because my friends talked and skipped over some cutscenes and than would speed run the levels so I may play again in the future. But still a good time and fun to mess around with friends in.