Best Version of Mario Kart by far but their are just way too many baby characters and reskins in the roster, Diddy Kong isn't even here! DIDDY KONG!

It's fun but I'm sick of it.

Best Mario Kart Roster but the motion controls give me an aneurism.

I think Nintendo shot themselves in the foot like they could included so many more game styles with the system they set up, with more unique games getting completely different level tools like 3D World an then they even future proofed it leaving more space for more options then just never adding anything past that when they could have added a Yoshi's Island, Mario Land, Mario Bros 2, or maybe even eventually Wario or Donkey Kong Country(SNES) themes but no it just stops at 3D world for some reason...

Then Switch Online just bugs me and I don't like it's implementation in this game after the first game did so well.

Only if Limited Run didn't wait until the launch of the game to make a pre-order deal.

This was my first Pokémon game and I LOVE IT. This and FireRed have beautiful art and fun admittedly grindy gameplay, and It's a blast to try to get every Pokémon. Although for me I have a full Kanto Pokedex except for a Dragonite, I just haven't bothered the time to Grind my Dragonare all the way yet, BUT IT WILL EVENTUALLY HAPPEN!

Love this game. I have so many fond memories of playing with friends and family with a garentee of more in the future. When I think of Mario I think of this game.

This was fun, please bring it back.

I like this game. New Super Mario Bros. is great leap forward for 2D marios and one of the more memorable ones in this particular series.

I got it as a gift I didn't get into it I went back to it and all the levels I previously had access to were blocked off by DLC.

Younger me asked for this thinking it was collection of NES games and I was thoroughly disappointed

I played through the demo when it came out and thought it was alright but I played it again recently and I really will not pay $60 for this it's so slow and monotonous.

Not as good as the original I must say.

Throughout the first game I noticed a bunch of small stuff like weird input problem with crouch jumps(specifically with long jumps/ground pounds/backflips all happening when I don't want), sometimes moving would freak out and spin around and weird cool downs in-between spin attacks that really disrupt gameplay, none of these have been fixed in the 3 years of development which is beyond weird especially for Nintendo there could be a justification two of these are intentional but if then, why? The just ad a level of frustration in my opinion but I would call this a just a minor gripe, probably a 'Me' problem.

I also noticed a lot of pointlessly frustrating levels although a few of these did exist in the first game they didn't feel this needlessly frustraiting, I'm mostly talking about the flip panel levels that depend heavily on motion controls that this late in the Wii's life should have been cut or repurposed as at this point it should have been more than clear that waggle motion controls are a gimmick and not a particularly fun gameplay feature.
I liked this game for sure and I had a good time (mostly) throughout with many stand out levels in my opinion but it just doesn't fill the massive shows that the first game sets up.
(Also Yoshi is cute, and the Perfect Run is a b*tch)

(16h 29m to beat Bowser and 35h 23m to get all 242 Stars)