who would of thought that an istallment in a survival horror video game series could actually be really scary.

"Is he[Chris] always this awsome?"

For a game with four story campaigns it's pretty disappointing that the game already becomes exhausting after the first one.
For some reason they completely reworked and remixed the entire formula for resident evil, at which point it makes me ask why did they make this a resident evil game? Many of the trademark staples of the series just aren't present here or are unnecessarily changed, as the game lacks the strategy, fear, atmosphere, and tense gameplay the series is known for. I would go as far to say in many ways they evolved all the worst features of the 5th game and changed or cut anything that would seem too distinct as RE.

For one example of why I think this game doesn't feel like an RE game, take the Melee combat, in all previous games you have the infamous Combat Knife, this is in many casses during the earlier entries this is entirely useless, and by far the worst weapon to use in the game. But it was like this for a reason, I think the reason it's always been an option is to show how utterly hopeless the player is if they were to ever run out of resources, it was a last resort that often would lead to a premature demise for the player, and in later games this dynamic would be slightly altered every few games.

- In RE 2002 you can find knives and batteries to save you if you are cornered to help combat the controls which can trip the player up from time to time, however these were one use, and would do little damage to the standard zombies in the game, and wouldn't even work on most enimies.

- In RE4 and other 3rd person games the knive is used to open item boxes and vasses, these games evolved a niche weapon into an essential tool without diluting it's prevuous porpous.

- In this game you punch and wrestle enimies to the ground, enimies can often be armed themselvss and come in sworms and are all easy to kill by spamming the attack button, without using of any artillery which is unheard of previously, the crates from 4 are now breakable this way too, and the best part is...

They still included the knife.

Best example of how bad the RE5 AI actually is. Jill kept running directly into Wesker and got paved over like 50 times and I couldn't do anything about it.

What a great idea to take slow survival shooter gameplay, and add quick time events, to EVERY BOSS FIGHT AND MOST CUTSCENES.

Playing this in single player was a drag, and the QTEs were so frustraiting I redid Chapter 5-3 with a rando just so I could get past Wesker and Jill. Jill specifically took irregularly long to finally defeat and it mostly just relies on constent button mashing from both players. Really Annoying.

I did however enjoy the story for the most part despite the game. I thought the Wesker final encounter was a highlight, and I like the costumes unlocked after beating the game, too bad I probably won't be playing this again other than for the DLC.

At this point in time(without having played the original) I don't know if there is a difinative RE3, with one being locked to older systems and the other one seemly cutting content.

This kind of makes me wish along with the remakes Capcom just ports over the older versions of the first three games(including RE1 classic/DirCut and RE2 N64 as options), in a style similar to the Origins Collection for fans to have a more modern way to play them if they want something other than just the remakes.

Why was no one talking about the Moon Knight Morbius crossover DLC in MUA3!?!?

Resident Evil 4 is pretty good, however towards the later half of the game I was very univested. I didn't enjoy the extremely linier style it takes on during the final act and for the most part the setting compaired to earlier parts of the game wasn't very engaging.

I enjoyed the Wii pointer controls but I did have some issue with aiming the camera itself, and sometimes the over-the-shoulder view got in the way.

I still think if they should remake Code Veronica over this game.

This is easily my least favorite Resident Evil game(so far), I made it about half way through and probably won't finish it.
My main problem with this game is the difficulty, I enjoy some of the challenge of the other RE games, but this game just frustrates and annoys me.

The game is noticably more challenging than any of the RE games to come after, with no easier difficulty in the Western release. In the beginning area, the game throws dozens of zombies at you with barely any ammo, and throughout the game I was forced to get through many important segments without any supplies, and I gave up on the plane fight as I was essnetially soft locked.

The controls are easily the worst in the series while the improved Camera system is nice, however in the fully 3D enviorments it feels like the game might as well have been closer to being over-the-shoulder or something. In this game more than any other(specifically the Gamecube games) I find myself floundering with the controls. Due to this I often miss shots wasting ammo, fail to avoid oncoming attacks wasting health, and over time this just builds to being an annoying experience where I feel like every time I die I'm being cheated by the game, and I run out of needed supplies too quickly to keep up with the game when I need to.

Before certain enemy encounters the game with play a unique door animation to build up tention, this gets old after the first time it happens and in certain bossfights if you die you have to sit through 10 seconds of one door opening every single time after you die.

Other than gameplay the voice acting is particularly bad and distracting, nothing new for this series, but it's just another thing that holds this game back from me enjoying it at all.

I just feel like I wasted my time.
Honestly I don't understand why Capcom chose to remake 'Resident Evil 4' over this, considering how poorly this game has aged compaired to it's contemporaries and how praised RE4 is already.

-1 Star because I never found that stupid USB stick

I think this games in almost every aspect is impeccable, my main issue lies with the story, I only wish the two campaigns were a bit more distinct, and didn't have you go through the EXACT SAME lab sections and boss encounters, and due to both halves basically being the same, the stories also contradict as things that are in each story are affected in the two stories differantly and it never fully adds up to a satisfying narrative.

This review contains spoilers

How did Valve literally fix Half-Life 13 years later,

It's definately strange this is missing a bunch of notable content from the movie, but I more just have a problem with the fact the Developers haven't even mentioned if that content is coming later or even at all.

However the content that is added is still pretty good for this game.

Constant frame rate issues, lagging, and bugs/gltches really get in the way of my enjoyment of this, I honetly wouldn't mind the repetitive gameplay if the game would run above 10 frames per second, I love this game for being a love letter to Star Wars and everything just I wish I could appreciate what it has to offer without these seemly basic problems getting in the way.