This game is a bit too unforgiving for me. Not a huge fan of NES either.

More effort should have been put in the presentation of these titles.

Fun spin-off of Jurassic Park based of the original idea Spielberg had for a sequel but doesn't give much justice to the series, being really inconsistent with the canon like featuring JP3 Pteranodons in the first movies setting, the dialog is pretty crumby as well. On the bright side this game has some fun action set pieces, the story and new elements to the lore is pretty interesting, and the new Dinosaurs/Extinct animals are cool but were ultimately retconned. If you like the first Jurassic Park, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

I love the aesthetic and Art Style of this game. I can understand why most people don't enjoy this game but I kind of do.

Great untapped potential but at launch was a bit lacking in content, they updated in more features as time went on. It's better than it was before, but it could have still been more. The campaign is fun once but not very repayable, Challenge mode isn't my thing, and Sandbox is great but pulled down by the restrictive customization and terrain features of the main game. The DLC for this game is alright with 'Return to Jurassic Park' being the best pack with the original cast returning and the best campaign this game has to offer.

My Scores for DLC:
Deluxe Dinosaur Pack - 5/10 Dinosaurs are cool but it is overpriced
Secrets of Dr. Wu - 7/10 Fun and short add on to the campaign with cool new animals but I don't like the new Hybrid designs
Claire's Sanctuary - 6/10 Not as memorable as Dr. Wu but the Dinosaurs are nice and Sanctuary is neat to see up-close.
Cretaceous Dinosaur Pack - 7/10 Iguanodon alone is poggers
Carnivore Dinosaur Pack - 6/10
Herbivore Dinosaur Pack - 6/10
Raptor Squad Pack - 2/10 Overpriced Raptor skins that should have already been in the game from the beginning.
Return to Jurassic Park - 10/10 Sexy Cabot Finch, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Compies, Aviaries, and Retro Dino Skins, also a really fun campaign.

I beat this game at exactly midnight on my Birthday. That was awesome, not to mention I LOVE THIS! It's just more of the first Half-Life from a different perspective. Poor Adrian though.