I like the concept, designs, and aesthetic of the game, but it's a rushed clusterf**k that I wouldn't recommend to most.

Can be funny with mods but gets old quick.

Fun and Great game for a while I called this the perfect sequel and I still think that claim has merit.

Super Mario Odyssey is a fantastic game, Mario's control's are perfect for this game, and the graphics are beutiful on Switch. Rarely do I ever have a perspective issue unless in handheld, I do find some of the Moons in the game to be either annoying or completly throw away forgettable, I also find it a bit odd the 2D sections can't be played with D Pad as that would be much smoother in my opnion, but other than that I don't have any major issues, this game is great!

I love this game, I love the soundtrack, the artstyle, the game itself it's all wonderful... I do agree though the theming is a bit generic and completion is a bit much specifically in single player. Other than that it's fantastic!

Not good and I don't recommend but I had a good time with friends.(7/10)

EDIT: This review is being changed just after the 2020 Game Awards were ARK II was announced and I am greatly disappointed in this entire franchise, as I mention this game is unfinished and buggy(hence me saying it's not good) and not only is it still Early Acsess but they release DLC for an UNFINISHED GAME, now that's almost excusable they just wanna have ultiple campaigns and they'll just fix the game later dispite that being a terrable plan that's just what I'd assume they would do. Than they announce Atlus, an Ark Anime, and a Sequel now I draw the line I will not support this series anymore what they are doing is gross the game has been out for almost half a decade and it's unfinished and they just ignore and make a new game that will probably unfinished. NO FK THIS SERIES AND FK WILDCARD.

I put WAY too much time into this.

Gordon Ramsay
Finally some good F**king ZOO TYCOON.

Best NES game.
It seems so weird to me how early they nailed and established the 2D Mario formula.

P.S. Why no saves built in? Zelda had a save, this is like perfectly designed to save, why no saving in game?

Fun game for JP fans but it is pretty inferior to JWE without mods.

Doesn't include Sauropods or Hadrosaurs. But at least it has the Giant Warthog.

It's fine but the second game was SO GOOD that I find this game pretty hard to come back to.

If you wanna play Zoo Tycoon don't play this.

NES games and especially this era of Mario just isn't my thing, but I'll defiantly come back to it at some point.