Not as good as the original I must say.

Throughout the first game I noticed a bunch of small stuff like weird input problem with crouch jumps(specifically with long jumps/ground pounds/backflips all happening when I don't want), sometimes moving would freak out and spin around and weird cool downs in-between spin attacks that really disrupt gameplay, none of these have been fixed in the 3 years of development which is beyond weird especially for Nintendo there could be a justification two of these are intentional but if then, why? The just ad a level of frustration in my opinion but I would call this a just a minor gripe, probably a 'Me' problem.

I also noticed a lot of pointlessly frustrating levels although a few of these did exist in the first game they didn't feel this needlessly frustraiting, I'm mostly talking about the flip panel levels that depend heavily on motion controls that this late in the Wii's life should have been cut or repurposed as at this point it should have been more than clear that waggle motion controls are a gimmick and not a particularly fun gameplay feature.
I liked this game for sure and I had a good time (mostly) throughout with many stand out levels in my opinion but it just doesn't fill the massive shows that the first game sets up.
(Also Yoshi is cute, and the Perfect Run is a b*tch)

(16h 29m to beat Bowser and 35h 23m to get all 242 Stars)

While not quite as heavy hitting as the first Pass I like how each character is more Neche and complex than previous characters with Steve being my main example.
DLC-1:- Min Min - 7/10
DLC-2: Steve, Alex, Zombie, and Enderman - 8/10
DLC-3: Sephiroth - 9/10
DLC-4: Pyra and Mythra - 6/10
DLC-5: Kazuya - 7/10
DLC-6: Sora - 8/10

Pretty good additions to the character Roster but kind of drops off until the end.
DLC-1: Joker - 9/10
DLC-2: Hero - 8/10
DLC-3: Banjo and Kazooie -10/10
DLC-4: Terry - 7/10
DLC-5: Byleth - 5/10
also Piranha Plant - 9/10

After playing on PC this feels really bad on console, but still get these games.

Good game. If you haven't played you better get on that, both the Wii and Switch versions are viable but I don't know if it's reasonable to buy a second hand Wii just for this game or shelling out the money you would need to get it on eBay, if you have a Wii already you will not be disappointed with this purchase.
(23h 53m as Mario)
(15h 58m as Luigi)

It's fun, I barely understood what was happening because my friends talked and skipped over some cutscenes and than would speed run the levels so I may play again in the future. But still a good time and fun to mess around with friends in.

Not a huge fan of the modern version of Minecraft with the Microtransactions and all that but the base game with updates is just classic Minecraft so you can't really go wrong.

This review contains spoilers

I don't like most of the levels after about half way through the game but the gameplay is really fun and the music and visuals are very atmespharic, the stroy itself isn't bad either.

I lost my EA account while trying to meld and lost Wraith's Liberator Skin(this was back when I mined her and me and my friend's called it "The Cancer Patient" so real big oof on that part).

My friends like it... I don't.

Campaign doesn't work on my PC it cuts to black randomly and Online is shit from what I have played.

I don't care I want them to make a second LEGO Jurassic World like The Skywalker Saga in where they include all 6-films.

It took my friend a half hour on Jabba's barge to realize after he had finally made the jump the he couldn't get the collectable because he wasn't the right character...