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My frist Metroid game, I thought it was good, but I have a few problems.
I found the game pretty frustratingly difficult towards the middle and end of the game, with many tedious segments and annoying bosses that just felt like the game was spamming attacks at me without real ryme or reason(Mecha-Ridley).
I also thought some abilities were pretty inconvienient to use as the SuperSpeed requires so much space to pull off oit becomes inpractocal in most situations, and the ScrewAttack can lead to accidentally killing a frozen enemy I was trying to stand on, as well as the flying part of ScrewAttack in the end of the game being really picky on the timing of the jumps.
However I still like many parts of this game the Music and Graphics are a highlight, and the first two thirds of the game I had a lot of fun exploring the main map for the first time.

I like the game I just wish it just wasn't so speratically annoying, not a terrible first impression however, I will definatley try out more of the series.

After some time with it I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from this game, I would like it if they added more Sandbox Settings personally, the lack of ability to turn off Randomized Dinosaur Traits and Scientists is pretty annoying. The games Database could also be improved by featuring the basic species requirements instead of the descriptions of the animals that are just completely wrong anyway in most cases.

How do you manage to make the movement in Resident Evil worse?

Resident Evil? I hardly even know the guy!

Not very fun combat, It's annoying to fight anything mildly stronger or on par with you, and it sucks to attack people on boats. Controls are also very disorienting.

The name is a complete lie nothing about this game is at all related to Jurassic Park it's just a railgunner with stock Dinosaur models.

10 year old me got stuck 20 minutes in and gave up.

Really good potential and Im only not giving it a lower score because this is a free to play game that is clearly in it's Alpha stages with a fun and vibrant community.

haha I bought a game I can never play

It's fine I just thought it was annoying and cringe compared to the other Lego Marvel games, but their is nothing inherently wrong with it.
Also this came out in the weird time where Marvel absolutely hated the X-Men and was promoting Inhumans so that did have an effect on my overall opinion of this game.

I still think this premise of a group of survivors escaping the original park(aka Speilbergs original idea for the sequel) has potential but still nothing has given it true justice so far, although this did get really close.

This game suffers straight up bad animation at times, silly dialogue, a bizarrely awful framerate, and cheep quick time events. I will always have a soft spot for this game and I respect how ambitious it was but damn they could have done better, WAY better.

Fifty real-life dollars for the Indominus Rex

To get the T. Rex you either had to spend your soul grinding in the game or pay money, Brachiosaurus wasn't in the game at luanch and took a few years to add, and fighting is shit.

Halo 5's gameplay isn't very good, and completely forgets how a Halo game is supposed to work, while it fixes running and my problem with the weapons from Halo 4, I still don't think running should have been in either of these games to begin with and most of the moveset in this game seems to only exsist to make it unneccesarilly complicated.
This game is a 4-Player Co-Op game desguised as a Halo game, Halo 3 and Halo Reach have good single players and good Co-op becaise it is a single player campaign that supports Co-Op not the other way round.
The story is exhausting and the premise alone is massive stretch from ehat one could naturally assume happens after the 4th game and even then my patience was wearing thin with the story.