8 reviews liked by DinoQ4

The birth of one of Sonys most iconic franchises.

God of War tells the story of the not so angry and pretty broken spartan Kratos. Yeah that right he wasn't always an angry meathead like some people claim to be. With that being said God of War along with Silent Hill and The Last of Us is one of the few franchises that show whats so wrong with the gaming community of people claiming themself to be "true" gamers.

The story shows piece by piece who Kratos is and why he is doing the things he does in the first game. His motivations are clear and relatable. He's not really a good person but still far away from the Kratos most people think of in the greek era games. He is tragic yet badass at the same time.

Now to the gameplay part. The game plays very well but shows some of its age compared to GOW2 and 3. It's still a fun an challenging experience though. The best part is the combat. The game offers alot of enemy variety and a fine variety of combos, weapons and magic tricks to deal with them. The worst part is the platforming, especially the ones when you are in Hades. Cough Spike Pillar Cough.

The score is also magnificent and the unlockables are fine. I used to have some love–hate relationship with the level design. It kinda reminds me like in old surival horror games were you are trapped in an isolated place with traps and monsters that try to kill you. I like that, but the level design could be a bit more colorful. That bright brown patterns doesn't really do it for me but I came to like it a bit more know on my 3rd playthrough.

With that being said GOW1 is one of Playstation 2's best titles and one of the reasons why the Playstation 2 and it's era are the best in gaming.

10/10 Ripped out Gorgon Heads.

(7-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's very deathly. But I don't like it! Because I just want everyone to drive on the road carefully. Listen to the lights! And obey the rules!

That's what I want this game to be.

Cuz I just thought it was driving on the road, being calm. I don't like it! I love driving on the ROAD.

everyone saying this game doesn’t have enough mini games, i agree, where is the minigame for yagami to have rough sweaty sex with kaito ? pretty disappointing .

You know most games have a rough first entry that gets ironed out with sequels that are even better than the one before it. This is one of the rare cases where the first game is the best and the series becomes progressively more and more dog shit as it goes on.


This might become my favorite game by From Software. The atmosphere and aesthetics in this game are top tier. It manaages to create a truly alien feeling world that you don't belong in. A dream like qulaity that feels like a location your mind creates in a vivid dream that sticks with you for years. A game that looks and feels like it wouldn't be real. Someone said to me "it looks like something posted on the "games that don't exist" twitter account." and I 100% agree.

The ending is the weakest part of this game. It has me torn between rating this game a 5 like i want to and a 4.5 because the final "area" is a wet fart compared to everything else.

Highly recommend playing it

How does this game exist? Its been 3 years and it doesn't feel real. It's so good that it feels like its always been there and the concept of being pre-DMC 5 is alien at this point

I can appreciate this game a lot more now than i ever was able to as a kid. A combination or no longer being a dumb 12 year old with the GoW vs DMC mindset along with seeing how the series has progressed has put this game into a new perspective for me.

You don't know how good you had it until its gone and that's how I feel when looking at this game compared to the new ones. Sure it has massive glaring flaws and the final hour of the game is honestly a fucking slog and a half but the game as a whole doesn't feel like its weighed down by fluff and bullshit like 2018 or ragnorock are. It's very video gamey and isn't afraid to be that unlike the new two which feel almost embarrassed to be a video game and do not respect the player's time, attention span or intelligence.

Combat has a great foundation with the blades feeling amazing but most enemies are annoying to fight along with a lot of stiffness found in things like your launcher, jumping attacks and the shitty slowdown when you try to catch enemies for air combos. Love air combos in this game but its a shame they don't reach their full potential and really won't as moves are changed in GoW2

Really glad i was able to go back and gain this new appreciation for this game. Could have been better but still worth playing

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