This game is an alien shooter but is dam short. 1 hour to finish it.

I remember getting hyped about this game. It is an improvement over the previous one.
Good memories.

I had 3 games for my ps2. One of them was this one and was the one I played the most.

This game feels like a movie in action, which is half true. Amazing graphics and gameplay.

I remember borrowing this game from a friend.


I remember being so desperate to play this game on my old computer that I tried to change the files to make the game think I had a gpu with higher shader support.

This game gave me strange feelings.

Probably my first real shooter game.

I bought it on release on PC. Played the campaign and some heist with my friends. Good times.

I was too afraid to play this game alone so I played it with my cousins. Still counts to completion right?

We need more games of this type.

Best "super hero" sandbox game I ever played. The concept of this game is outstanding.

Unique art and music. I am not crying, you are crying.