Really good for someone who's either never played granblue versus, never tried a fighting, or wants to give it a bit of a shot without wasting money. Compared to most free to play fighting games this one Is more of a demo where you can't buy the base roster characters and have to rely on the rotation of Gran + 3 random characters. One Minor or Major Issue of that rule Is that If you wanted to play another character for example like Vira or even Seox you have to wait until the week of that character Is on the rotation and keep In mind the game also does rotations based on which characters won a tournament a lot of the time so get ready to see Nier or Siegfried on rotation nearly biweekly which Is a little disappointing if you wanted to try the other characters unless you're hard locked on playing Gran. Rotation aside the fact this exists at all is pretty good and If you haven't gotten a chance to play granblue versus or want to give rising a try this isn't a bad deal.

I will Dash 66L and there's nothing you can do about It

Huge downgrade compared to shattered dimensions In terms of gameplay, The fact you're just running In a lab the entire game so no variety In the location, and the fact It's only 2/4 characters from the previous game. The story however Is Interesting with the banter of Peter and Miguel being fun to listen to. I'd say If you're able to give the game a shot If you liked shattered dimensions or If you're interested In the story

Every company just let anything get a flash game during this time

Sucks that NA ver. ended up dying after a short amount of time. I ended up enjoying It even playing JP and the story was just okay.


I'm a little mixed on this dlc. To get the positive stuff out of the way The subspace levels and story beats were pretty good. The final boss was so good too. The downside Is the new characters kinda feeling a little eh (specifically knuckles feeling so much worse compared to previous counter parts), The Difficulty spike going up to the extreme to the point where the towers and the trial near the end was a little too much. There's a reason why my friend group and I just called this DLC Kaizo Frontiers. The pop-in feels so much worse In the dlc compared to the game itself but overall It's okay.

Honestly really loved the gameplay It's a major Improvement from the first game where even the swinging Is so much faster. However I still prefer the story of the first game even so Still a really great game.

The story and characters got a huge upgrade with them feeling like actual characters instead of one note like In previous entries. The Gameplays really fun In the open world same can't be said for Cyberspace as the way the game functions now doesn't really work on some levels. Overall despite how odd the games presentation sometimes feels It's an enjoyable game.

Had I not owned the 2DS my hands would be cramped LMAO

Having Access to all 4 games Is pretty nice and Sonic 3 finally getting a re-release after so long Is pretty huge but the game currently has some bugs. Whether It be soft locks or checkpoints not working at all (Happened to me In Sandopolis act 2) while rare still weird this collection was a little rushed what doesn't help is the 40 dollar price tag with a 45 dollar deluxe edition. This game also suffers from a weird Bilinear filter which makes the game look blurry which means I had to mod the game just so the game didn't look blurry. Outside the negatives this is a good way to play the games If you've never played the 4 games or want It on consoles but It's best If you get this on a sale or wait for some bugs to be fixed/

This has got to be one of the worst games I've ever played.

Saying that play It with a friend its gotta be played to be believed It'll make the experience hilarious with all the bugs

Honestly made me love big boss and the presentation on a handheld was bizarre

Great game, came at a time where voice acting in games tended to not be taken seriously, and went all out with the ps1. Overall a great game and story