the game that entered the 3D era of nintendo and was rather unique in that sense but gameplay wise not too crazy. mega's were a nice gimick.

i rate this for how much it improved the base game.

i rate this for how much it improved the base game.

mediocre pokemon game but the DLC realy safes aswell as the continued support it got over the years.

basically smash wii U but worse cause smaller screen. as much as i have nostaglia for this game its kinda ass in retrospective.

fun smash game felt rather slow but not as bad as brawl. less features than brawl but a good cast of characters too play as.

very fun game to play with your friends at a party and has a nice big cast of character too play aswell as the fighters pass that got added twice.

for its time a genuine insane game but i find it not as good as people make it out to be. too glitchy and unpolished and rather outdated with a lack of characters to play.

fun game with a cool campaign mode and bunch of other extra stuff other than the basic smash mode but sadly rather outdated and unbalanced.

i put way to much time in playing the zombies for this game and played a bunch of multiplayer aswell.

i was honestly amazed at the incompetence of nintendo with the polishing of their product but the exploration and battle mechanics in scarlet are soo much fun

amazing game put too many hours into it in vannila and modded and on servers and singleplayer.