10 Reviews liked by DonnieCondor

A very fun RPGMaker game. One of the few that kept me beyond the first few hours. There is alot of freedom which is seldom seen in RPGMaker games and makes the journey alot more personal and different to each person.

Bravely Second is a Black & White 2 situation of just being the first game again but a bit better and also it's one of the best turn-based RPGs ever

If you're reading this you've probably played the first game so I refuse to explain the mechanics. You know what it's like. You know what the fuck is up. That also means you understand this game because the battle and job systems are basically the exact same as the first game but with new jobs. That sounds bitter but I promise that's a good thing. The brave/default mechanics combined with FF5 jobs/abilities already created one of the most fun combat systems in the genre's history and it's only better in Second with the introduction of several creative classes that can completely change how you build your party. The most fun and broken job ability in the game is from the first job you get after freelancer, it's awesome. That alone radically changes how you play. I think you'd get burnt out if you played it right after the first but overall it's still some of the best combat in RPG history.

The writing is also very faithful to the original by being bad. It has the exact same qualities as Default while falling into the same pitfalls. That means half the party is too unremarkable to mention, the story likes to spend a lot of time accomplishing nothing, and there's a cacophony of underdeveloped themes and messages that make you question what the game is trying to say first and foremost. There was a funny cowgirl though so it's 9/10 overall. Many of the asterisk holders are wonderfully colourful bastards who offset the plot's failings by being entertaining enough to carry their scenes. I think you should just assume your opinion on the first's plot will apply to the second's.

Most other aspects are too similar to Default to be worth explaining to you. The menus are lifted directly from the first so you already know what you think of them. Much of the music is reused and the new tracks are in the same style and of similar quality as the original score. The graphics are identical so we get to keep low-res towns my beloved.

Really you don't have to play Second if you've played Default. You're already good to go when it comes to arguing with strangers about it so there's no point :3

Great. Now they put those damn millennials in my video games. Way to ruin the series Atlus. Fuck you. Mid.



de las peores cosas que he jugado en mi vida, cada que leo una review positiva sobre esta cosa y hablan sobre "historia" y "arte" dan a entender a la perfeccion que no tienen ni puta idea de lo que dicen, prefiero tener juegos inspirados en earthbound y undertale y recibir 1000 omoris que tener UN juego que se parezca o este inspirado en GRIS.

de los peores despropositos de toda la historia de la humanidad.

Mario Odyssey es todo lo que esperaba de una Secuela de Donkey Kong 64 Jajaja Fuera de Bromas, el Juego, no puedo decir que sea Malo, la discusión aquí es si es Mediocre o no, Mientras que esta Mecanicamente pulido y es un deleite de jugar Hay consideraciones que lo previenen de ser muy bueno y se debe que a pesar de tener una buena estructura el juego es demasiado grande para su propio bien, Mientras juegos como Sunshine y SM64 son juegos de perseguir un objetivo fijo y ejecutar esa tarea de modo eficiente (siendo una genuina traducción de lo que es llegar a una meta en un plataformero 2d) Mario Oddysey es un Colectaton y uno que genuinamente mientras que es mecánicamente agradable, no es uno que recompense o impulse al jugador a completarlo. por ende el juego se siente muy difuso en su primera partida porque toda esta Presentación de la campaña es complementa, olvidable y nada cohesiva, realmente no importa mucho nada, solo importa que consigas lunas para llegar a tu destino, todo lo demas a GRAN ESCALA es relleno visual y esto es mucho mas notorio en las "set pieces" siendo la primera el Festival de New Donk City y La pelea final contra bowsers, mientras que agradezco que sean niveles completamente interactivos las secuencias se sienten arbitrarias mucho más si fracasas en ellas. Hay muchos más detalles individuales que se pueden juzgar pero a la larga, es un juego hecho a la medida para la plataforma, para bien o para mal, esta usa todos los controles de movimiento y ademas el concepto de Colectaton es perfecto para un formato portatil.

Astlibra no es ni de cerca perfecto pero aun así no impidió que me maravillara la ambición de su relato. Acompañado de un combate sencillo y una construcción de personaje satisfactoria y adictiva. Su historia es emocional y bella todo bajo la clara mano de un escritor amateur pero con una enorme pasión y amor a los jrpgs que lo inspiraron.

Experiencias como estas son de admirar, imperfectas pero al mismo tiempo igual de cautivadoras.

Keizo esta sin duda es la prueba de tu existencia.

Sony had a game on its hands that could become a franchise. Inspired by Monster Hunter, but could stand on its own.

This is a beautiful game about forgotten memories. A game about giving away important things to achieve happiness. A game about how one can be corrupted by violence and lose what once inspired you to keep living.

A game about a certain magician's life...

hijo mejor vuelve a casa

y tira ese momo xdxdxxdxd

Bravely default demuestra que los final fantasy no tienen que ser exotericos para ser buenos o exitosos, y que el combate por turnos puede ser interesante.