greatest game of all time please play it

While it's a little rough around the edges, the game is still a lot of fun and is a great starting off point for those looking to get into the Sonic series! Lots of potential here!

The first mid pokemon game.. Gets bonus points because it was the first Pokemon game my sister played so getting to experience the game alongside her was kinda cool ig. Game still sucks tho

One of the most overhated Pokemon games. I enjoyed my time with this one. It's easy to get into and just turn your brain off. Never finished it because I accidentally traded away my Haunter.

There isn't much I can say about Persona 4 or Persona that hasn't been said already. I played 3 and 5 before this one, and went in totally blind to this one. Every Persona game has it's strengths and weaknesses. Persona 5 has some of the most refined gameplay, but a story that doesn't quite hook you as well as the others. 3 suffers from the opposite problem, a fantastic story but gameplay that's rougher to get into. Persona 4 doesn't have these problems. The gameplay is great, it's basically the same as Persona 5 but not as flashy. And the story is masterclass. I don't know if I prefer this game to Persona 3 or not, they're both games that mean so much to me. But I think Persona 4 is defintely the one that left the most impact on me.

If you're looking to get into Persona, I don't think it matters what game you start with. Pick the one that speaks to you. If you already like JRPGS, I'd say go 3>4>5. If not, start with 4 or 5.

I love this game. I think Ace Attorney fans have this weird stigma against this game because not every case contributes equally to the narrative. You'll hear them talk about "case 3 syndrome" since the 3rd cases in these games often are more stand alone than the rest. Don't listen to them, this game is still fantastic.

All of my friends like Role Models and I do not. Push the Button is fun but heavily skewed in the aliens favor. Needs some custimization options. Trivia Murder Party is also fun but also kinda ruined by the way it ends. The boat one is the best game but you have to have the right group of people for it (funny people)

It's a fun game but there isn't much depth to it. Gets boring after a while. I'd play it once a year.


A little tough to get into but once you get a hang of the controls it's a blast. It's a short game so I recommend playing it more than once.