greatest game of all time please play it

There isn't much I can say about Persona 4 or Persona that hasn't been said already. I played 3 and 5 before this one, and went in totally blind to this one. Every Persona game has it's strengths and weaknesses. Persona 5 has some of the most refined gameplay, but a story that doesn't quite hook you as well as the others. 3 suffers from the opposite problem, a fantastic story but gameplay that's rougher to get into. Persona 4 doesn't have these problems. The gameplay is great, it's basically the same as Persona 5 but not as flashy. And the story is masterclass. I don't know if I prefer this game to Persona 3 or not, they're both games that mean so much to me. But I think Persona 4 is defintely the one that left the most impact on me.

If you're looking to get into Persona, I don't think it matters what game you start with. Pick the one that speaks to you. If you already like JRPGS, I'd say go 3>4>5. If not, start with 4 or 5.

This ain't it.

Game performance is miserable for a 2D platformer. Many of the levels overstay their welcome. The bosses all range from mid to just horrendous. Actually some of the worst in the franchise.

Skip out on this one. I promise it ain't it.

I want to play it a little more before writing a full review. But the game is overall fun. Bit hard to get the hang of but I just had my friends explain it to me. The movement in the game feels a little weird, maybe intentionally. The sprint is pretty limited but I wish there was like an indicator of how much sprint you were using. Also when you die you just have to watch your team finish and that's not fun. Wish you could do something like leave behind clues or maybe summon some items? I had fun, but it wears off pretty quickly.

I love this game. I think Ace Attorney fans have this weird stigma against this game because not every case contributes equally to the narrative. You'll hear them talk about "case 3 syndrome" since the 3rd cases in these games often are more stand alone than the rest. Don't listen to them, this game is still fantastic.

All of my friends like Role Models and I do not. Push the Button is fun but heavily skewed in the aliens favor. Needs some custimization options. Trivia Murder Party is also fun but also kinda ruined by the way it ends. The boat one is the best game but you have to have the right group of people for it (funny people)

It's a fun game but there isn't much depth to it. Gets boring after a while. I'd play it once a year.


A little tough to get into but once you get a hang of the controls it's a blast. It's a short game so I recommend playing it more than once.

I love Splatoon. I've been playing it since the Wii U days. So when they announced the third game was coming to Switch I was beyond excited. As great as Splatoon 2 was, I had a lot of issues with it. Things like matchmaking taking too long, there only being 4 ranked modes that were on rotation, and the map rotation system was still something I found annoying.

Now that the game's been out for almost a year. While I can say I enjoy the game, and it is an improvement upon it's sequel in many ways, I still have my issues..

Firstly is the games ranked mode, now referred to as "Anarchy Battles". These are still just as fun as in the previous games, even moreso now that you can finally team up with your friends. I think it's lame that it barely counts towards your actual rank progression, but that's fine because I never cared about that anyway. And this is a game I will very rarely play by myself to even bother with the games solo queue ranked mode.

Originally you couldn't switch your gear in between matches on ranked mode but that was only just RECENTLY fixed. I don't know why Nintendo continues to do dumb shit like that but at least it's in the game now.

Speaking of patches, the games rollout of new content feels a little less than desirable. The game has switched to a "season format" which I think actually works well for Splatoon. It's annoying that they lock the cosmetics behind the catalog and if you miss the season, then your only chance to get them is and RNG lotto machine.

The map selection in this game is.. okay. The returning maps are all pretty good. The Splatoon 2 maps are basically unchanged and the Splatoon 1 maps have the same layout but you can feel that a lot of time has progressed in them which I really like. However the new original maps are a bit too blocky. I get that every Splatoon map has to be symmetrical for fairness sakes but I just wish there was a little more variety. I know it's a common joke, but it really does feel like they built the new maps out of tetris blocks..

The music in the game is good as always. While I prefer 2s soundtrack, the music in 3 has a much more chaotic energy that reminds me of the first game a lot. And some of the tracks they've added post launch are really really good! I love the squid sisters and any song they're on.

Splatfests also don't feel as special now. I think doing them less often makes them feel less like an event? And we haven't gotten any Splat-o-ween or Holiday celebrations which sucks.

Other than that, my last complaint would have to be that we're still on the map/mode rotation system. This was okay during the Wii U days when there were less players so they had to force people into certain gamemodes. However now that the game is bigger than ever, I don't see why we can't pick from multiple ranked modes. And perhaps have the maps either be totally random, or picked from a pool a la Mario Kart. I get that people in ranked will play certain kits based on the map, but I think having a map voting system in at least turf war should be done. Or at the very least, have 3 maps in rotation at a time, that would make the problem less apparent.

I do like this game and will go back to it to play with friends or mess around in the singleplayer mode (which is very good btw) but it just doesn't have the same feeling as the previous entries. Hoping that changes over time though..

It's fun enough with friends but a little repetitive.