We live in a gentle kingdom. I remember the red color. This really did make me realize I don't want wish fulfillment stories anymore. Harsh reality is too much for humans to handle. But so what? I'll find my own fairytale some day.

Gasai the GOAT, Kagome best girl, and fuck The Scene

I'm not usually a fan of this type of vn - the short kinetic down to earth nakiges, but this wasn't the case here. The comfortable yet dreary atmosphere, the charming cast, the theme of memories and how they make us who we are, of living with your emotions, and finally the plot under the surface; this came together to make a great ride in the span of only a few hours that left me misty multiple times.

Unfortunately what makes me dock points is that the vn is too short to completely capitalize on everything it introduces. I feel like if there was even more time to flesh out the characters and their dynamics, I would be even more attached to them. What especially irks me is that there's such fascinating worldbuilding there that feels almost wasted. I can imagine this being an absolutely amazing magical realism and charage if it was longer and produced better.

If you do plan to read this I recommend using this patch

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Kazuaki gets away with literal homicide and identity theft! Crazy.

Homoerotic swordfighting with an amazing ost and memorable endings. A great short ride.

The mc is a horrible person but this plays to the vn's charm except in one particular overly gratuitous scene.

It's cool to hate on DDLC but it was my first vn that actually got me into the genre so maybe it's not a horrible shitstain that ruins everything

I really believe DDLC is overhated by VN fans. It's not peak fiction, but it's a good story all the same and replaying it with this version reminded me of that.

I'd shill it for how much I liked the side stories, but you have to grind and get 100% completion of all the girls' routes to get all of them which is a massive pain. But side stories with the girls just having more sol content of bonding together instead of just crazy plot shit is what DDLC needed, and it even hit close to home emotionally because of how heartfelt it was. Monika is cool now when my first opinion of her years ago was despising her.

It's obvious that Dan is still teasing "Libitina" so I wonder what he's gonna do with that.

Enjoyed the hell out of this not only for how fun everyone was to play (Luvia's wind spin was so cool), but for the story modes as well surprising me with how raw and even emotional they got sometimes. Lancer, Caster and Bazett's routes stand out to me the most. What I don't like is that the only translated version has limited movesets because of the PSP. I doubt I'll try to emulate the PS2 version of this. So Unlimited Codes remake when?

The ost slaps and Ryouko should slap me harder

20 hours of drudgery for 2 hours of entertainment, featuring the most vile and despicable fictional cast I've had the pleasure of reading about.
I would never recommend this because of how wholly unenjoyable not only the story is, but the way to go through it. Most of the routes are 90% the same with a slight difference at the end. If you do decide to play it, go for a yandere end aka what you came for in the first place, and get out.

Feel like one of three people who actually liked the twist

For a supposed romance spinoff the routes weren't very romantic at all

The sol was really enjoyable to me despite me not liking it in Extra since it didn't feel like a chore to get through.

Saucegate was a joke and Confessions had people acting out of character to create mid drama. Atonement though, had me crying like a little bitch.

Didn't end up liking this as much as the first game which is a hot take. Probably because I really enjoyed the atmosphere around Suoh and her partners while Chidori bored me in comparison as a heroine.