444 reviews liked by DoubleCakes

Always has and will be medicore (at best). But the passion the dev's had was also clearly visible
Honestly it's wild looking back and realizing this is one of the more important titles released last decade.

A worse version of an already mediocre, overrated piece of shit from 20 years.
One of the most egregious cases of abusing the early access system Ive ever seen. Its current state would have been barely acceptable as the initial EA build, nevermind the "finished" product.
Dogshit company & game. Not even worth the bandwith needed to download it

Semi-enjoyed it growing up, but theres little to experience here beyond the historical value

Incredible aesthetics in service of a pretty interesting folk horror story, but somewhat dragged down by sauceless game mechanics and a relationship system that I would've liked had been more in tune with the rest of the game's aspects. Endings also don't really feel that much satisfying either. Still, pretty neat game.

Really cool! The visual style and general vibe of the level design is great. Love the emphasis on strategic use of monster placement. I'm not a big fan of slaughter wads and the like, so this was right up my alley. Very satisfying without being too difficult.

I tried so hard to give it a chance, multiple times over years. But I could never get into it. I dunno what it is, but when I try to play it, I just can't get into killing hordes of zombies like I did back in DR 1 a loooooong time ago, listening to podcasts and loving it. I played a bit, but I just can't finish it. It's fine, it's good, but it couldn't hook me.

This was apparently supposed to be the sequel to Wolfenstein 3D, but it really only retains the three-firearm loadout and the fash baddies. The grenade guys and the monks are some of the most annoying enemies that I've encountered in a boomer shooter, as their earsplitting grunting can only be avoided if you splat them with explosive weapons—you can only hold one of those at a given time, an element that distinguishes this game from other contemporary titles in the genre. There's some interesting uses of verticality and one really good boss fight against NME, a robot equipped with a bottomless arsenal of explosives. Other than that, Dark War is a bit messy. I played it via the Nightdive port.

Gee, it sure is boring around here.

Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia has a fantastic atmosphere and well integrated progression, but kinda falters under its conclusion. I'd recommend it - short, sweet and simple, but not particularly exceptional. I like fishing.