this game makes me angry but its peak

this is my absolute favourite video game of all time. i dont believe it will ever be topped. its just the perfect combination of tight, fluid movement, tough-as-nails level design (at least, when it wants to be), and good writing

this game is peak when youre playing in a private server with like 5 friends

100% completion knocks this down a full star point. remove like 2/3s of the moons from this game and its golden.
brilliant movement system in this game, my favourite thing to do is just fuck around in new donk city seeing what i can and cant do.

fuck, man. this is just a GOOD fucking game. brilliant story, amazing gameplay. just a REALLY good game

rlly fun. im annoyed that youre forced to essentially beat the game twice in order to get all the S ranks - just let me get them the first time around. other than that, fun, tricky ol time

only reason this isnt 5 stars is cuz of those fucking minimum steps challenges required for 100% completion

giving this a 3 cuz its 5 stars with friends and 1.5 stars with strangers so meeting in the middle at 3

its impossible to review this game cuz the quality is always changing due to the nature of the BR gamemode. i like it a lot but epic does not know what makes it good

this might be the single best game ever

need to replay it this is such a banger