Finished the game on the ps2, ps3, ps4 and on Pc. People who say shit like “it was good for its time,” or “nostalgia goggles” or think that its controls aren’t the way they are on purpose sound so ignorant. You can’t seriously be surprised that not everyone is going to love the remake with all of the changes and cuts that they made. People say treat the remake as its own thing, but then piss their pants when you like the original more.

Absolute goyslop and i got banned from Crapcom forums for criticizing this slop.

Another hit success by Turtle rock. ahahahahah

I got the platinum. "¯(ツ)/¯"

Snooze game too long, filled with filler, ps2 trees and ubisoft towers in a open world.

Better then the demake and i platinumed this baby.

Original releases are always the best. I dont care if you disagree and i dont need your opinion.

I have the game of the year edition completed with the map, i might go back to complete it. I dont care for the online. One of the many best games from rockstar.

The game started strong with its outlaw theme, but the shift towards modern political commentary wasn't for me. Despite that, Rockstar's technical prowess and detail shone through. It felt slightly less expansive than expected. I played on PS4 with minimal issues (as expected), and also own it on PC which had a few hiccups. I finished the game, but the story elements left me uninterested in revisiting it. Sadie Adler's character, in particular, felt overly assertive to the point of being distracting.

It wasn't a bad game, but it didn't quite capture the magic of the original for me.