Gods this game p-pp-pretty<3<3
Feels nice, not a fan of the new abilities and that they just scraped the previous shika slate stuff. But eh, what are we gonna do. Always fun to play a himbo twink with a good stick and a penchant for chaos, now equipped with a hot glue hand💅


Few games have successfully got me fully immersed and have let me be completely absorbed in its world, characters, politics, and it's power struggles effecting every choice.
This game was an amazing journey I will never forget as I felt a genuine connection to the NPCs, the choices I made to be a good leader had weight and to top it all of the game kept surprising me with a fun and wast world that had good storylines guide me as a new player in the dragon age series.

Everything was digestible and interesting. The times I lost interest where fine because there was so much other things and places to see and explore that you never really got bored.

I loved the characters I made as they (being fully voiced which gave them a much better immersion) all felt seamlessly part of the game.

I will never stop recommending this game it is awesome and if I could wrote a book about every detail that is again AWESOME in this world and series, I would! <3<3

So far an awesome experience that I can replay many times over. Though all the choices can sometimes give alot of anxiety. But that is more of a good personal insight and the game is becoming a good tool to practice, as all choices are not game breaking and on the contrary usually lead to cool unexpected twists in your story.

A good meh. Nice story and the bond between main characters is fine. The world and the rebuilding of a believable midevil French setting was on the other hand amazing. A very gruesome but interesting world as I found myself lost in the little details showing that times way of life, which made the game feeling very unique to me.

And hey who doesn't love a rat jesus and pope!

Played 2 times and enjoy the world and exploring for the most part. Even though I am not a fan if the way quest are put up, not because they where vad, but they are just not my jam.

But hey most importantly now I know I want to fuck fish 🫡🥰

Good world building and OMG THE STORY!
But the cutscenes where often stale and the animations don't hold up to well.

All in all the an okey experience 🫡👍