I love lego games and this one was one of the best I've played, super fun!

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I love this game so much, it is so fun to play with someone a platform game, I played this with my girlfriend and we both were so involved in the story, the ending even got me tearing up. Recommend 100%

First game I ever abandoned, it was just too much shit going on, don't get me wrong, the visuals and gameplay are great, but the story and the characters... man idk I couldn't help but be bored after half an hour of playing the game. Don't even get me started about the side quests and all the shit you need to do on the map, normally I love to explore and do all the side stuff but this game, I just couldn't.. Alloy doesn't have character development and I hated the fact that you need new weapons and armor, I was waiting for a upgrade system instead of that. Overall pretty disappointed with this one

What a story holy fuck, it really got me immersed on the game, the visuals, the audio it fits so well and it really is an unique game, its a must!


I'm not a big fan of rouge-like games, but this one, holy shit, it is so cool and fun, every run I did was super fun to try out different weapons and powers, the story is super interesting as well and I think it has the perfect difficulty, it is hard but not insanely hard

Insane game, everything from the story, the characters, the world, the visuals, I mean EVERYTHING is so good, I enjoyed it so much, one day I gotta replay it for the fun

This game is so fun, I love the fighting system and the visuals, also, the cutscenes are amazing and they do justice to the anime. Only thing I didn't enjoy that much was the side quests, kinda repetitive, but still an amazing game

I need to get good cus this game is so cool, one of the best fighting games IMO


Need to replay it so I can get all the achievements and a better review, an amazing experience overall!

Holy shit actually one of the scariest games I played, we need more updates and lore!

Amazing game, so many cool new features and I love the story, we need a sequel pleaseee!!!

I love Crash and this game was challenging, fun and it brings me to my childhood, overall super fun game and I got all Steam achievements :D

Actually so fun to play, the only downside is that you need a big group of friends to have the full fun experience, and playing on online servers is not as fun

Used to play a lot, super fun to play competitive, but there are a lot of toxic people playing it. Stopped playing it before the new revamp of CSGO, but sometimes (rarely) I go back and play it if my friends ask me to

Fun chaotic kitchen game, like Overcooked, but it gets pretty difficult, still very fun to play