34 reviews liked by DynamoShinzou

ALMOST perfect but it didn't receive dlc so minus points

"Even among history's more infamous mass murders, few had a death toll of more than 20. Killing 22 people at once is beyond all reason."
maybe this game wasn't meant for american audiences

Capitalism is cool when I'm winning + Sephiroth.

my friends always got bored when we played this and we switched to mario party or dokapon but goddamn I LOVE THIS GAME! nobody will change my opinion, none of u boring non fortune street fans!

the japanese title of this game is "Circus Drive" and I can't think of a more apt title as you really have to be a clown to be playing this

THIS is how you follow up Auto Modellista??? The whole two biggest selling points of Auto Modellista was the online multiplayer and the stylish cel-shaded aesthetic, and this game has forsaken pretty much all of that. While that game is a mid racer bolstered by its cool style, this is just a mid racer. Kusoge, and not even in the endearing sense. Things start fine enough as at low speeds things are controllable, the visuals are alright, and the amount of cars to collect is vast, but the higher up you go the more the cracks show. The game somehow manages to feel both immensely heavy AND immensely slippery without much leeway in how to actually get your got damn car to do the got damn corners properly, and the AI racers chase you with aggressive rubberbanding and like to ram into you as their cars are made out of adamantium whereas yours is made out of cardboard. I can't recommend to anyone outside of the morbidly curious... Espeically on a system with as many banger racing games as the Xbox, you are much better off playing something else.

It's fine, not really my thing. I was not the fastest racist.

Inescapable advertises itself as a bit of a Danganropa or 999 clone, a "murder game" with a zany cast of characters and bizarre complicated plot.

It is not. This is a cut and dry social sim, where pretty much no characters are likeable and the writing is terrible. It's like playing through a season of Big Brother. I got about halfway through and couldn't take any more of this absolute embarassment.

Not the worst game I've played this year, because it wasn't completely unpleasant unlike some others, but it goes absolutely nowhere, every character (especially the protagonist) is annoying and one-dimensional and it overstays its welcome significantly.

Avoid - 1.5/10

Me, playing this via Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration after having played several garbage Atari 2600, Jaguar, and Lynx games back-to-back, praying for a single good game.

Tempest 2000 rocks.

I'm not the biggest fan of the original 1981 Tempest, while I do respect it especially for the time. It's good arcadey fun, but there's something about it when compared with other games of its time. It just doesn't do much for me.

Tempest 2000 on the other hand feels like a clear definitive version of the game. The graphical effects are aged, but still incredibly cool and engaging. The classic version of Tempest is included with a slight graphical "upgrade" (vector graphics will never die), and the new "2000" version adds fun stuff like power-ups into the mix.

Overall, I love this a lot. It's one of the few games on the Atari 50 collection that fills me with the feeling of "I'd love to play this again sometime."

you could not pay me to sit and listen to shinigami for 10 more hours, medieval tortures are nicer than that.

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by Zeeangoo |

65 Games