this game has zombies and a time management system how could it be bad

There's a lot of really annoying sections in the game, some of the enemy types are obnoxious as all hell, the main twist of the game is incredibly easy to see coming, and the opening on Taris is way too long.

But god damn this game is so fucking cool dude. This is one of the most enjoyable Star Wars experiences I've ever had and I loved it. Malak is such a cool villain, I love characters like Jolee and Canderous, and the worlds you get to explore are so varied and really cool. Except Tatooine. I took a 3 month break because of how much I hated Tatooine.

The whole feel of the game is so old school that I love it, one of the most classic feeling PC games ever. The music goes a long way in really making this feel exactly like Star Wars.

The amount of freedom with your character you have is insane. I did a light-side playthrough for my first run, and I might go and do a dark-side playthrough sometime in the future. Skills like Master Speed completely break the game wide open and I love it.

Combat in this game is so weird and unique but once I got into it, I love this game's combat system. Its this weird blend of turn-based and real time action and it just works somehow. I also love how unashamedly DnD it is. No other game I've played has pulled out the D20 in its skill descriptions.

For being one of the most influential games ever made, I kinda hated a lot of it. This game had this weird pattern of having a really awesome level, like Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt, and then following it up immediately with one of the worst levels I've played in any shooter game, like Sandtraps and "Follow Freeman" which just made me want to quit playing in the middle of them multiple times. A large part of my issues with this game also come from the fact that I might kinda hate the source engine? It worked great in the Portal games and fine in TF2, but here it was just pissing me off a lot of the time, like did we really need annoyingly realistic crane physics in this game? I really like the Gravity Gun but after finishing the game could I play the entire game with the Super Gravity Gun that was awesome. Also Barney still owes me that beer

The first game was already one of my favorite games. This game managed to be better in literally every single way imaginable.

This is my favorite Sonic game. I genuinely don't understand 99% of the complaints about this game that I hear. All of the levels are great and the game controls great once you get used to it. The music is some of the best in the series, and all the teams play differently enough that "playing the same game 4 times" feels like a different experience every time. The only thing I can understand why people dislike is getting the Chaos Emeralds. It is really dumb, but I don't hate it. I know a lot of people don't like the story, but its a Sonic game the story is like the least important part to me. If I want a good story I'll go play Final Fantasy or Xenoblade. I 100%d this game for the first time a few months ago, and I'd gladly do it again.

don't really say it often if at all but if there's any game i'll say it for its this one

this game affected my life more than any other i've played. greatest game ever made forever and always