i've beaten this game 5 times in the past year i adore this game play it play it play it please

hating this game is hating soul

I cant believe I'm saying this, but this is just the best Sonic game. I have an insane amount of bias for Heroes, but I can't deny this game's amount of peak.

EVERY stage in this game is fantastic, the music is some of the best in the series, the world is amazing, the medal collecting is awesome.

I 100%d this game and every second of it was fucking perfect. Every common complaint I've heard about this game is just a reason I adored it.

And I'm so pissed the reception of this game was so bad at launch because it meant it took over a decade for us to get something like this again.

It's just the gameboy version but with extra item slots

I have a hard time deciding whether I liked this more or less than KOTOR 1. Both games are absolutely fantastic, but the highs of this game are so incredibly high, while the lows are realllllllly low. Nar Shaddaa. If you've played this game you'll know how terrible this part can be.

This game also has the problem of having a godawful Steam port and also literally being broken and unfinished apparently?? I used the Restored Content Mod so I wouldn't know but that's what I've heard. But mod aside the port is just really bad, sometimes it would take minutes for me to load into an FMV and then another couple minutes to load back into the in-game cutscene, only to have to wait even longer for another FMV, into another in-game cutscene.

All in all, holy shit I loved this game so much I want to get all the achievements eventually

Update: I got all achievements :)

Fucking incredible remake of a game that I never thought would ever get one

its fun but how do i rate this

Very impressive that this whole game was made by one guy, but I just don't like it. It's a complete hodgepodge of a million different old RPGs with its own spin on them, but everything just makes me want to play those games instead. I hate the battle system and its largely due to the fucking overdrive bar that basically dictates what you do in battle rather than letting you make your own decisions. I started this game back in March, took massive breaks in between each session of playing, and finally decided that I just don't want to continue this game anymore.

This game has some of the best writing in the series and is also just really fun anyway

This game is fucking amazing the best 2d platformer i've ever played i need everyone to play this with Phantasy Reverie series we need more klonoa in our lives

wahoo :3

why is this actually really good

Played this in preparation of Second Story R coming out later this year, had an amazing time with it. Loved the combat and the world, characters were fun and the music was great. Only real negatives I have about the game are the overworld movement speed and Fargett kinda being the worst part of the game despite having such a cool atmosphere.

loses a half star entirely because of that awful final boss

this game sucks but it sucks in a funny way