I know everyone hates Yakuza 3, but it really is the most important game in the series without getting into spoilers.

The first few hours of the game I really like. It shifts to a more slice-of-life style thing where Kiryu is taking care of his orphanage and the kids in it, and the new setting in Okinawa was a fantastic change from Sotenbori and Kamurocho, going away from the big city into a new location thats so drastically different is really cool. I liked the new area, despite being very small and not having many things in it, had a lot of charm and was fun to explore. The kids and your new friends are all very likeable and I found myself more interested in taking care of them over the actual yakuza side of the plot. This game's story is not up to par with the others I have played. It has serious pacing issues and was just really boring. One part was like a 30 minute cutscene where you sat down with another guy as he explained everything in the plot to you. OK, fine, an exposition dump. Sure. But at least it's early on in the game and takes advantage of the player's knowledge of what's going on right? Nope! It's the 10th chapter. Out of 12. You're practically done with the game and just now you figure out what's happening. The pacing would have been better if there was stuff to do. The minigames are all terrible! golf is OK, but the others aren't good. The substories mostly are boring and bad, with the exception of a couple of fun ones. Most boss battles were pretty bad and the final boss, while an interesting character, would have benefitted from more development and involvement in the story. His characterization suffers due to the pace. But the best parts of the story are centered around the orphanage and those kids, some great emotional moments make me wish they focused more on this.

The combat? is bad! the enemies block all your moves, and the boss's health bars are way too big. Your heat bar basically will never fill up and if it does, you gotta roll a dice and bet on a winning racehorse to get the heat icon to show up so you could do the animation, which does approximately 2 nautical centimeters of health bar damage.

This game would have really benefited from Kiwamification. Nicer graphics that make the beachside city really pop and sell the feeling, more things to do, and more fun substories and activities. Better combat, more balanced pacing, and, let's be real, a complete overhaul of the story.

Reviewed on May 30, 2022


1 year ago

Came back to re-read this one, it's so good.

"2 nautical centimeters"

I seriously love your writing voice

1 year ago

thanx pal, i appreciate it :)