When you think of great, underrated experiences on PS4/PS3 most typically would not think of Bound By Flame, however that does not mean it doesn’t deserve your time. Bound By Flame, while short in duration can pack a decent bit of content, albeit a little repetitive, in its small form factor. I’ve often compared the story to that of the white walkers in Game of Thrones and I’ve seen a handful of people do the same. Each of the areas traversed in the game look pretty good considering the budget constraints and AA nature of the game. Gameplay while repetitive feels good and does not overstay its welcome by the time the credits run. One thing that you cannot knock is the music, it is absolutely phenomenal, even just booting the game up to the title screen can leave you sitting there for minutes at a time listening to its epic and sweeping menu music while switching to more somber tracks in game really set the mood for what’s to come and what’s the now. Bound By Flame is the definition of a diamond in the rough, if you’re willing to look past its less than stellar graphics and monotonous gameplay then you have a well thought out story with an excellent ost to boot

I tend to be someone who goes against the grain but this is the exception, Borderlands 2 is by far the best Borderlands game ever made! The story is easy to get invested in and Handsome Jack is a fun and enjoyable villain to torment you through the game. The gameplay is tight with tons of variety due to the immense amounts of loot to pick up and play with. Variety is one thing that every borderlands game has going for it but even over a decade later, Borderlands 2 still has more than enough to make each playthrough different. The music is amazing and fun to get an earful of especially running around and blasting enemies all over the map. Borderlands 2 is a must play for anyone looking for an FPS with some personality, maybe someday there will be a Borderlands game to top this one but in the meantime this is the best it gets

The atmosphere and concept for Returnal is quite compelling and gives reason to why and how the world changes with each run while also tying in a tight story make this a unique experience that I’m sure many will try to copy sooner rather than later. Gameplay wise, the control and shooting feel fun and hectic, especially as the game goes on and more difficult enemies appear. Music is just as great with its atmospheric pieces pairing nicely with the more in your face tracks in stressful situations. The only slight downside to Returnal is the lack of content when compared to others in its genre which is not always a bad thing either, as it left me wanting more rather than being pumped full of filler and making me want to quit. Returnal is a great game that is begging for people to get invested in it and I for one am ready to hop back in.

The Destiny 2 alternative that did not reach the highs it promised. The games story is quite bland and not well expanded upon even during the post game. Graphically the game is great but it is not stylized or jaw dropping enough to be remembered for it. Gameplay is probably the best thing Outriders has going for it as it is really fleshed out and enjoyable until the game becomes a grind for numbers in post game but that is besides the point. Music is forgettable, I cannot recall a single track from this game no matter how hard I try. Outriders is a game that tried to join the big boys in the looter shooter bandwagon but failed to show why players would pick this over the many, more established games in this already crowded space


Playing as a cat has never been more fun in this adventurous romp in a cyberpunk dystopia. The gameplay while simple provides all the necessities to take in this lovingly crafted world and see all the intriguing bits packed into it. The music is quite nice and provides a good ambience when needed. Puzzles are well thought out and are fun to complete while digging around for secrets in the background. Stray is able to paw its way into your heart and keep you attached to everything going on, even to the very end and with that I can give it a firm recommendation to anyone who seems even remotely interested in it

Movement is the most important factor in Severed Steel and luckily it is quite easy to keep it as you blast enemies, pick up weapons and slow time when needed. The gameplay is quick and sleek while being a joy to blaze through hordes of enemies. The levels are also varied and get the right amount of difficult as the game progresses. The music is chock full of certified bangers and really made me feel like I was there. Severed Steel feels like Superhot meets the flash and that as a concept alone deserves a purchase

A stylish game that suffers from lackluster gameplay and does not evolve much past the first few levels. The best part of the game is its graphics, looking at it makes it feel like a showpiece that you would brag to your friends about for hours stylized it is but beneath that is hollow gameplay that while feeling ok at first gets monotonous and boring halfway through. Enemies are also placed in unfair locations which can cause some headaches and frustrations. The music is also pretty good although they aren’t the kind of tunes you’d be listening to on your free time or anything. Foreclosed has an interesting world with a great style to it but falters in the aspect of being an enjoyable game, maybe worth picking up on a steep sale but I wouldn’t actively seek this one out if I were you.

A unique horror game with a style of play not seen by many others in the genre. Playing between 2 different worlds in the same environment while having events in one altering the other makes puzzles feel well thought out and exploration interesting. That being said, The Medium feels more like a thriller at times rather than true horror as the enemies in this game rarely pose a threat and when they do, walking past them is more than enough to get by. The music is atmospheric yet generic at the same time and the story starts to nosedive in the latter third of the game before tying up neatly at the end. I would recommend this to all horror fans to look at the ideas it has but there are better horror experiences out there, even from Blooper Team

A great throwback to classic final fantasy that is held back by lofty ambitions that on a small budget with an even smaller team make it difficult to realize all its ideas. That’s not to say that Edge of Eternity is a bad game, far from it, the combat is enjoyable, bar a few encounters and the music is quite delightful. The game suffers in 2 major parts, graphics which are mediocre at best as well as glitches that happen more often than you’d like, not game breaking but enough to ruin the immersion from time to time. The elephant in the room however is the final boss which spikes the difficulty to the point where the game becomes aggravating and unenjoyable. Edge of Eternity may have its flaws and the build up may be a let down but the journey is more than enjoyable enough to warrant a recomendation

Soulstice feels like the Berserk game I have always wanted but never got. The Gameplay is tight and combat has weight to it. The music is a bit strange at first but it meshes well with the gameplay especially in tougher situations. The story of Briar and Lute is also very easy to get involved in and I found myself caring about what may happen to them as each level came and went. A game like this of course has its downsides, levels can be way to long at times and some of the puzzles drag. Enemy designs while great there aren’t many of them and combat can feel similar through the many encounters you will have. DMC5 this is not but what it is is a very enjoyable romp through a stylized and enjoyable hack and slash

Hot Wheels Unleashed is able to go toe to toe with other titans of the genre, each car feels like it has weight while also still feeling like a toy. There is amazing car variety and the tracks are a treat to drive on. Creating and playing custom stages and Liveries adds almost infinite replay value and the story mode also provides lots of content. The wide variety of cars give players the freedom to play as they please which is commendable. The only downsides to hot wheels is the music being pretty weak as well as the basement customization not amounting to much.


The first thing you may notice about Hoa is that the art style is quite nice to look at and that is probably the best part about it. It is mostly a by the numbers platformer that while enjoyable does not do anything to set itself apart from other better games in the genre.

A simple platformer that is vacant of any challenge until the post game. The Isle of Tims feels very forced and is basically useless except to grind for the by far best costume in the game. The gameplay loop is boring and each costume isn’t even unique with most of them being copied to 2 or 3 other costumes. Graphically the game is subpar but there are still some areas that look decent. The music is also not terrible, some of the tracks are fun and the dance sequences are laughable in a so bad they are good game. Balan Wonderworld isn’t a game you play for fun, it’s a game you play with friends to mock and laugh at

A very unique game that while being a delight to walk around the world and gather materials, weapons and armor, gets muddled by a good chunk of systems that are surface level in nature as well as the tribes amounting to nothing more than busy work. Overall still a very enjoyable game if you are willing to look past these issues and treat it more like a AA game than your usual AAA heavy hitters

There’s a reason why this game gets high praise, most of it being deserved. Combat is smooth and fast paced and each character has a unique play style. The music consists of absolutely fantastic reimagining of the original games tunes. The story is also quite good albeit dragging on a bit in parts, mostly due to one third of the original release being blown up to the size of a full game. Overall FFVII Remake is an amazing game that everyone should at least give a try