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7 hrs ago

7 hrs ago

Solid followed LJ_90

9 hrs ago

Solid commented on moinickcres's review of Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
Muy de menos que te corten un combo para un dialogo y encima que te la de la CPU despues de eso

9 hrs ago

Solid followed moinickcres

9 hrs ago

Snomangaming finished Another Crab's Treasure
Perfectly captures the feel of a soulslike but adds so much more on top, best of which is the "trash used as treasure" theming and the different shells you can carry. Makes some gutsy decisions like no stamina and a heavy emphasis on platforming, but it pays off big time. Great humor, good story, fun as heck combat. GOTY contender for sure.

11 hrs ago

Snomangaming played A Difficult Game About Climbing
Love the idea of another "Getting over it" type game, and it definitely is made with quality, but the controls are a lot more demanding dexterity-wise because you have to be holding down a mouse click at all times. Well designed, but I couldn't play for extended periods.

11 hrs ago

Snomangaming completed Children of the Sun
Very cool concept of hitting someone with a bullet and then using that position to shoot your next target. Feels like Hotline Miami meets Superhot. Expands the idea pretty quickly and adds new stuff to keep it fresh. Worth a look!

11 hrs ago

Azrad completed Blanc

13 hrs ago

16 hrs ago

ScrambledFaz commented on ScrambledFaz's review of Stellar Blade
Forgot to talk about that, let me update the review

21 hrs ago

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