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I applaud the proper usage of the source material, the design and animations of the characters and their mannerisms are pulled straight out of the movie, visually impressive as well, and I love how you unlock bonus material from behind the scenes of the movie.

My main issue with this type of games, Dead By Daylight clones, is that you if you play one of them, you practically played them all. Apparently the classic slasher movies are all meeting the same fate of being turned into DbD clones, it happened to Friday the 13th a while back and every horror character without a standalone game is just dumped into DbD as a DLC, such a shame, as I think these characters and stories have so much more potential to be exploited in a different type of game, like Alien Isolation.

I guess it is one of those games that you may be able to enjoy more by playing with friends, but the problem is not getting friends, the problem is arranging the play sessions with friends. You may have fun playing solo with randoms online for about to matches and then it gest boring, one map, very repetitive, all the same.

By the way, from about 10 matches total that I played, I never got to pick Leatherface because someone always beat me to it, that system is bad! I don't agree with it.