How dare you destroy the sanctity of our beloved Peggle?

Fuck Grim Matchstick, still haven't beaten him.

I could replay this game over and over again for the rest of eternity

This game is really really cheap so I can't complain about it's very short length. That being said I really had a good time with this! The game boy style is on point, and overall this is a very adorable indie game that I just can't hate. Also, Skwit Skwot, GOD EMPEROR, is a really fun villain. It doesn't have saving, but with the game length being extremely short, it really doesn't need it, so I don't care. I plan on playing the sequel Super Squidlit sometime because I really want more of this!

It's still funnier and better than modern Family Guy tbh

It's STILL better than Sonic 4

Sure can't wait until this comes out for sega saturn

My favorite Sonic game, tied with Frontiers. This one has it all. And it STILL looks beautiful today.

We're talking the 3DS version specifically. Good game to me.

Long load times (prolly just on switch) for an old game, still a good port. Game just isn't the best, and imo this is probably the weakest of the Sonic boost formula games (probably because I refuse to acknowledge that Forces exists)

Not really much of a game unless you count the adventure part, more so just a drawing application. But it's a pretty damn good drawing application, especially with the SonarPen.

I feel like this is one of Nintendo's most un-talked about games ever made. They're missing out. This is an underrated gem. I love games where you can make your own characters, and this delivers.