Minish Cap successfully scratched my handheld Zelda itch, and I'm very glad I finally got around to playing this entry. It's so charming and clever, with just some of my favorite pixel art I've seen. Creative items, smart puzzles, and an overworld chock-full of secrets really helped this game stay fresh and engaging even when I hit a few spots that started to frustrate me (namely a few invisible bomb walls). The Minish/Picori give this game a child-like fable quality that I always adore in Zelda, and that I feel like the series has gotten away from recently. It also has maybe my favorite Great Fairy designs in the series. Now I really want to get to the Oracle games; maybe Nintendo should let Capcom or other developers make Zelda games like this more often.

It's always hard to pick what my favorite games are, but not with this one. Outer Wilds is without contest my favorite game. It's story is deeply compelling, moving, exciting, surprising, and heartwrenching - and told only through your exploration and discovery, which I'm always a sucker for. It's puzzles not only make you feel like a genius, but create a world that feels bombastic, terrifying, and wholly lived in. The music is also my favorite soundtrack from a video game, and re-listening to the tracks can take me right back to where I was when I heard them the first time.

It's filled to the brim with absolutely rad sci-fi concepts and a cast of characters that you become deeply attatched to despite never meeting most of them. It is one of very few worlds in video games that feel like another home to me and the experience of playing this game is one that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

The only knock I could have against this game is that the tutorial for the ship is bad/misleading, because it's not really a tutorial at all. I'd advise anyone playing it for the first time to just ignore it and apply the same thinking to the ship as you do to your jetpack in zero-gravity.

Besides that, I can't overemphasize what this games means to me. Please play it if you ever get the chance.

I've played a lot of rhythm games and none of them have ever quite done it for me like Amplitude. I try other games and alway find my way back here, and I think I always will. There are some songs I'm still bad at, and probably always will be. But that's comforting in a way because it means I can never really be done.

The most important thing, the soundtrack, is fantastic and I wish it was available anywhere other than Youtube. My fingers still tap out the rhythms when I'm humming them to myself. The guest songs are also great - Impossible from Transistor is a highlight - but the tracklist is overall a bit short. It makes them all feel comfortable and familiar, but I'd by lying if I said I didn't regularly wish there were more.

The patterns are satisyingly complex, and always feel great to pull off. The visuals are easy to forget about, which is purposeful - it's all colorful and trippy, and really gets you in a flow state that makes it easy to feel accomplished from short and long play sessions.

Long song short, Amplitude is comfy, easy to pick up, and endlessly replayable. Just please give me easier access to the soundtrack.

The game that made me fall in love with Zelda and still my favorite. I replay it fairly regularly (HD version on Switch please), and every time I come back it's sense of adventure is still unmatched. The wide open seas, soaring soundtrack, and charming visuals easily make this the one that feels the most like a Grand Quest with the fate of the world and the people you care about in the balance.

My favorite versions of Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf are all from here. I also really love that we get the most from Link's family in this game - his sister especially really adds emotional depth. And of course the King of Red Lions is an all-timer companion.

The Tri-Force quest in the back half of the game is admittedly rough - but the HD remaster simplifies it so even that I can't complain about. Besides that, I could go on and on with praise; so I'll end this by reiterating how good the music is and that I hope Zelda games going forward are able to recapture Wind Waker's sense of adventure and fable-like qualities. It's really what sticks with me more than anything else - and adventure is what Zelda's all about.