Fun and easy little roguelite. I think the mechanics are super cool with the use of little monsters as your attack combos, mixing and matching to increase the speed is fun. And you get rewarded for min maxing the set of monsters within the same elemental typing. So lots of fun to be had until the end.

When spaghetti western meets fighting God 🔥😤

Was kinda fun, took a few tries to get the hang of the mechanics

Great little game, the soundtrack is phenomenal and deserves the listen alone. Slap on some headphones or get that speaker system babeeee

I really enjoyed the game play and the story but I felt like I reached a plateau many times, and the microtransactions 😮‍💨

I don't want to set the world oooon foyerrrrr,
I just want to starrrt, a flame in yoooour hearrrrrrt

What an experience. There is so much content in this older version (not playing the S version). That I didn't feel the need to play the newer version whatsoever. It feels like a complete game and no paid expansions so it bring u back to the ps2 era where when you bought a full priced game, you got all content from the get go.

I think the pacing and the overall amount of content here is amazing, I keep coming back to it every year for a season or 2. It's great.

Finished 1st chapter. Really fun to play knowing more about the series from 3

I think the game is dense with content, but the but the game play seldom changes except when a new dlc comes out. As a Norse mythos fan, I do like thier interpretation of some of the classic Poetic and Prose Edda stories. So definitely fun for history and mythology buffs.

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"Misthios! You have too many relationships!"