Dr. Kahl I hope you burn in hell you dumb bastard.

Zero Build is good. I like when Goku Black hits the griddy with the Joker and LeBron. Some seasons are good, some seasons are dogshit.

Not as good as Sly 2, but I love this game a lot. In hindsight I can see a lot of the flaws pretty clearly... The ABYSMAL loading times come to mind, and I remember the game runs out of gas near the end (that final boss fight suuuuuuucckkksssssss), and to say nothing of the unfortunate cliffhanger it ends on. There's also that one twist regarding an old character most Sly fans hate, but as someone who didn't care about Sly 3, it doesn't bother me. I love Sly's relatives a lot. especially Tennessee Kid and Bob.

Hope this gets a remaster/rerelease some day, but with how Sony seems to hate any game that wasn't made in the last 5 years, and Sanzaru Games being trapped in VR game mines, I can't see that happening any time soon.

It's been a while since I played this but I have nothing but fond memories. Really great vibes and I appreciate this being a more straightforward platformer compared to its sequels, even though I like most of those. Not fond of some of the level gimmicks (all of Murray's stuff comes to mind), and the rewards for collecting clue bottles can either be pretty good to utter garbage. Bosses are all pretty fun, especially Panda King. Clockwerk is still one of the coolest villain designs.

Really great. It's been a hot minute since I last played it, but this undoubtably is the best of the series. All 3 members of the gang feel really good to play, the mission based structure is amazing, the humor is on point, everything works incredibly well together. My biggest complaint is just that the levels set in Romania are kinda dull to me. Love this game a lot.

I remember not liking this very much! I thought the visuals were off compared to Sly 2, I don't like any of the additional characters very much, and I just found it really boring over all. I stopped playing around the pirate themed world. I'll go back eventually but I do not have fond memories.

I have no idea how I feel about this game. I haven't played it since 2022, and with TOTK fresh in my mind, I have no intentions of ever going back. I can't deny that it's incredibly well made but I don't think it's what I like from a Zelda game.

Fun over all, Miles is way more entertaining than Peter to play is, even with less gadgets. I think the antagonists are kinda stupid, and Insomniac should hire actual hip-hop producers next time because what is that shit Uncle Aaron does.

It made me laugh and it's nice to have Sonic be well written again :)

I would give anything to play this game 100% blind again. Best 3 songs are Asgore, Death by Glamour, and Spider Dance. Megalovania is overrated (but still good).

Click-Clock Wood and the Grunty battle are bad. The rest of the game is pretty fun.

hey "nice" manbun haha it fuckin sucks you hipster asshole [he turns around and reveals he is a samurai from the tokugawa shogunate] oh fuck

(if the online worked i would be shilling this at every possible moment)

update 2/2/24: online works. hop on.

I literally would not be who I am today without this game.

It's good! I wish the color scheme wasn't so muted compared to Xrd, and I don't like how sluggish movement feels, but it's fun. I liked the story movie quite a bit.

also give chipp his teleports back cmon he needs it