jank all around but it gets the job done

why does the ending level suck so much?

it's too cute to rate below a 4, even if the level design falls off at the end

Im terrible at it but its stuff fun to reenact and play these missions

the story still bugs me but gameplay makes up for it

Fun with a friend, maybe a little basic

The controls ruin the game, multiplayer is fun though

The early 3d game jank is VERY prevalent but it's still fun.

It's a little easy and not being able to skip dialog on repeated play throughs does get annoying. But the charm elevates the whole game

On paper it is better than the first game but the lack of accessibility on the level designing does keep it around the same level, if not a little worse.

It's far better than the second game, only because I was actually able to build my own levels so easily. Even my friends who never touched a Wii U were able to make levels, there is something about it the second game wasn't able to capture.

I will be the one to say it, it's better than Galaxy. While are a lot of collectables (and some rely on annoying methods) I had no issue getting all the moons and felt happily rewarded after getting them all.

Did I like the game, I guess. It felt that it ended right as I was getting engaged into the gameplay and story. But at the same time, I had little desire to explore the world or the characters. It's a weird game.

It's short but the existence of the second game makes it passable. Amazing game.